The prophecies by Bill Hamon, Cindy Jacobs, APCE, Dutch Sheets for 2019 are very encouraging with God promising a great increase in light, glory and power. God has been showing me the need for quicker obedience and more Christ like character. As we grow in these areas of our life there will be the corresponding growth in light, glory and power. Last year I wrote, “In my opinion the most important prophecy is by Jennifer LeClaire, “2018 is a year of transformation””. Jennifer used the example of the butterfly, struggling to break out of its chrysalis. She said this struggle helped the butterfly gain the necessary strength to fly so we must push through the barriers and sin holding us back before we can fly like a butterfly. Some prophecies for 2019 will come to pass because of our response to God’s word in 2018.
The struggles we need to go through before gaining victory confirms the scripture where Jesus said, love God with all our strength. Notice Jesus did not say God’s strength! It takes all our strength to obey God and to keep his word, and we have his grace to do this. As we obey God we will rise up to a higher level in Christ. Near the end of 2018 Jennifer prophesied, for those who have pushed through, they will gain “Momentum” in their life. I began to experience a greater measure of Christ’s life rising up in my inner man so it was more easy to obey him and to resist temptations.
There will be a tsunami of light, glory and power in the Kingdom, Bill Hamon
For 2019 God is saying there will be a tsunami of light, glory and power in the Kingdom, Bill Hamon. Cindy Jacobs and APCE says, 2019 is a year of transition into the blessings, as we’re moving toward 2020 (see 2 Chron. 20:20, believe the prophets, and you will prosper and be blessed). We’re going to see nations embracing values, and many nations will shift from being goat nations to sheep nations (sheep nations are in line with God’s promises; goat nations are not). I am very encouraged to see our Home Town, the States and Malaysia move significantly in these areas. I am still waiting to see New Zealand move closer towards God.
Bill Hamon prophesied, “This year we have won a victory, so like David after Ziklag, we are receiving the same word of the Lord that David then received. In other words, this is the action we, the Church, are to take against our spiritual enemy-ATTACK, TAKE BACK, AND RECOVER ALL (1 Samuel 30:8; 17-20)!” This is one of the first promises Jesus gave us. Ask, seek, knock and we will receive, find and it will be opened. I find very few Christians who persevere until they see God’s blessings in their lives, family and ministry. Very seldom have we seen Christians crying out to God, seeking him with all their heart until they find God’s answer. Let’s go to a new level in Christ in 2019 and seek God with all of our heart!
Jesse Shamp prophesied, “We must have faith connected to our decrees. Then, once we release the decree, we must hold to that confession. In other words, stand in agreement with what was spoken!”. Faith, decreeing God’s will and speaking it out, are three powerful keys to receiving God’s blessings this year. Remember to balance prophecy with scripture, “Faith without works is dead”. Add action to your faith and you will see God move according to your faith.
I like Bill Hamon’s prophecies, they are very biblical. Some prophecies are extreme, which standing alone will not help us come into God’s blessings so always consider what the Bible says about a particular promise. The book of Revelations is a good example of New Testament prophecy. In Revelations we see God saying two things; first, prophesying the future and second, setting a standard of godliness. In the letter to the seven churches God gave many promises of blessings. The blessings were for Christians who were faithful, had overcome sin, endured persecution, worked hard, suffered for Christ, endured financial hardships, showed great love and had great faith. For those Christians who were committing immorality, eating food sacrificed to idols, who were tolerating Jezebel or half-hearted, John warned they will receive God’s discipline and judgement if they do not repent.
Here we see the proper balance, blessings for Christians who continue in God’s goodness and hardness for those who live in sin and do not repent. Last year Bill Hamon warned Christians who are half-hearted that God will spit them out if they do not repent, Rev 3:16. That is a very sobering word. Many Christians are not fervent for God and his ways. Last year Chuck Pierce warned the Church, Christians who are living in sin will receive seven years of discipline. They will have twice as many problems and twice as severe.
Rick Joyner also warned of God’s judgement saying God will require a higher level of obedience in 2019. If we disobey then there will be consequences for our actions. God has certainly been speaking to me about this! I struggle to obey God so I write down what God speaks to me and occasionally go back and review, checking whether I am on track or not. Pastors and parents I hope you are warning those living in sin or are half-hearted. We don’t want to see anyone suffer but everyone come into God’s blessings for 2019.
God has many blessings for us in 2019 but we must be faithful and live godly lives before we will receive these blessings.
Intercessors let’s not be judgmental but show mercy, praying for Christians who are living in sin or not faithful. Your prayers may be just the thing to bring them through. God has many blessings for us in 2019 but we must be faithful and live godly lives before we will receive these blessings.
2019 is going to be a blessed year. Let’s be praying for each other.
Looking for God’s blessings in 2019
Love Tim & Faith
Prophecies for 2019
Bill Hamon. This year the light, glory and power of the Kingdom of God are arising like a great tsunami, marked by miracles and extremely accurate prophecies, like never before.
This year we have won a victory, so like David after Ziklag, we are receiving the same word of the Lord that David then received. In other words, this is the action we, the Church, are to take against our spiritual enemy-ATTACK, TAKE BACK, AND RECOVER ALL (1 Samuel 30:8; 17-20)!
We are in “Level 3” of overcoming. We have been overcoming by (1) the Blood of the Lamb, (2) the word of our testimony, and now we must (3) love not our lives unto death. That means complete death to self, life in the spirit, and conformity to the character of Christ (Revelation 12:11; Galatians 2:20; 2 Corinthians 4:10-11).
In 2019, the Holy Spirit is beginning an intensified work to purify and perfect us to Christ’s likeness and maturity. The final and most important thing to know is this: God’s highest calling and purpose for every saint and minister is for them to be conformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ. This is why it is intense. Our responsibility is to choose to be conformed.
Cindy Jacobs and APCE. 2019 is a year of transition into the blessings, as we’re moving toward 2020 (see 2 Chron. 20:20, believe the prophets, and you will prosper and be blessed). To build on the previous section, this is a year of birthing new things, of transitions.
Culture Shifts: There will be a marriage of revival and reformation.
We’re going to see nations embracing values, and many will shift from being goat nations to sheep nations (sheep nations are in line with God’s promises; goat nations are not).
Jesse Shamp. All three are stronger together than they are separately. They make up a strong rope which is unbreakable. A decree is powerful on its own-faith is powerful alone, and so is your confession. Yet, when they become harmonious with one another, it creates a strength which the enemy simply cannot break! We must have faith connected to our decrees. Then, once we release the decree, we must hold to that confession. In other words, stand in agreement with what was spoken! Hold your confession! Stand firm on what you have spoken and do not be moved off of it, because what you have spoken will come to fruition!
Dutch Sheets. I believe 2017-2018 will go down in history as “turning point years” for America. Certainly, there have been other crossroad seasons in our nation’s 240 years of existence: but these two years have been epochal. The exposing of the Deep State, certainly not complete but at least begun; the confrontation and interruption under the leadership of President Trump of the left’s mad dash to globalism, secularism and amoralism; halting the suicidal weakening of our military; the determination of millions of Americans to recapture our roots and our destiny; and the beginning of shifting control of America from government back to the people starting with the courts. All these events have made this season pivotal.
In the Charismatic Movement of the 60s and 70s, millions were saved, healed and baptized in the Holy Spirit (awakening). YET, there was no discipling of our society and nation (reformation). The result of this failure, ironically, was a gain in salvations but a loss in Kingdom influence (the honoring of God and His ways declined in society). We actually regressed spiritually in every aspect of American life. It has always amazed me that a nation could experience one of the greatest outpourings of Holy Spirit in history, yet when all was said and done, we lost ground spiritually!
As we enter 2019, prepare yourself for an even greater surge of spiritual power and momentum. The best days of the Church and of America are not in our past—they are in our future.
Jennifer LeClaire. He is pouring out revelation on Job 22:28 to Believers—who can believe Christ’s delegated authority positions us as more than priests who petition, but also kings who decree and see an immediate response in the natural realm.
I heard the Lord say, “Far too many of My people are begging Me to do what I’ve already promised I would do. Far too many are making supplication, bargaining with Me to do My revealed will, petitioning and crying out from a place of hope instead of faith. But I am calling My Body to rise up and decree what I have already said, to prophesy what I’ve already said, to declare what I’ve already said, and to see My will and My Kingdom established in the earth.
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