CNN pushing propaganda

April 15, 2021 Tim 0

FoxNews: In the first installment of what’s billed as a three-part #ExposeCNN campaign from the right-wing guerilla news outlet Project Veritas, network technical director Charles […]

The truth about fake news

April 14, 2021 Tim 0

Veritas sent an undercover reporter to interview CNN’s Charles Chester. Chester reveals CNN was using propaganda to bring down Trump and now their agenda is […]

Packing the court

April 10, 2021 Tim 0

Are nine Court Justices enough to make a decision or do we need seventeen? With Biden’s choice of a Democrat to lead the commission, the […]

In Spirit and in Truth

April 7, 2021 Tim 0

Passover and Pentecost 2020 were historic events when God brought his Church out of spiritual Egypt and into the Promised Land. Throughout the world the […]

Stubborn facts

April 7, 2021 Tim 0

With massive evidence of election fraud in the six battle ground States, and more coming out, Democrats still won’t tell the truth. Wait until the […]