Covid common sense
Praise God the Australian government is waking up. Sweden, South Dakota, Taiwan, South Korea and others did not lockdown, did not close businesses nor suffer […]
Praise God the Australian government is waking up. Sweden, South Dakota, Taiwan, South Korea and others did not lockdown, did not close businesses nor suffer […]
We knew Biden was losing his mind before the 2020 elections yet Democrats and the “Deep State” continues to use him. This is a reflection […]
Unregistered and out of State people voted, machines were tampered with, making enough illegal votes to deregister the election in Arizona. Sen Rogers from Arizona […]
Prophecies have been made saying the fake media will tell the truth. With the Biden (aka Obama) administration failing their Afghanistan withdrawal, putting thousands of […]
Let’s be encouraged by what God has done so far in America. Although some things look bad much has been achieved and progress is being […]
Fauci said masks do not work then later said they are effective. When confronted, we find he lied about masks being effective so people would […]
Arizona saw many instances of election fraud and now the forensic audit is complete. Forensic auditor Pulitzer says, the results will be conclusive showing who, […]
Gov DeSantis responds to AP reporting lies about his use of Regeneron covid-19 treatment. We must also question why authorities are not promoting other effective […]
Tucker exposes serious fraud in Georgia, where ballots were hid under a table. Ballots were double counted, enough to change the election results, as confirmed […]
Statistics are funny things. We can ask the wrong question and get the wrong answer. Pollsters asked Americans who they would vote for in 2020. […]
More serious questions about covid-19 preventative medicines, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Why are so-called mainstream media not reporting the success, of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in India […]
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