Immunologist provides facts about natural immunity
People who contracted the coronavirus SARS, have immunity 18yrs later! Natural immunity also kills covid-19. Covid-19 vaccines only last 6 months and do not kill […]
People who contracted the coronavirus SARS, have immunity 18yrs later! Natural immunity also kills covid-19. Covid-19 vaccines only last 6 months and do not kill […]
The States continues to move forward in truth, righteousness and justice as God answers our prayers. God moves through our faith so let’s be strong […]
US Government statistics show more than 9,000 people have died from the covid-19 vaccines. This is more than all previous vaccines combined! A whistleblower says […]
Texas has won a major victory for election integrity and openness. Gov Abbott courageously persisted on pursuing law changes while Democrats ran to DC hoping […]
Arizona AG Brnovich is getting tough on election officials, and should also with machine operators, who refuse to hand over election materials. Election materials belong […]
Very few news outlets are willing to report the secondary effects of lockdowns! Are they afraid of being cancelled? StuffNZ: Hamilton-based Aerolink Shuttles airport transport […]
Have you noticed reporters saying, this is the hottest, coldest, driest or wettest weather in 50yrs, in 100yrs. They are confirming these conditions existed long […]
The previous administration under PM Muhyiddin refused to hold a confidence vote in Parliament despite the Constution. Now AG Harun is saying a vote would […]
Why was FBI Director Ray not able to identify Antifa members in the protest. Antifa expert Michael Yon identified several cells among the crowd. Why […]
Sweden, South Korea and Taiwan did not lockdown, now have virtually zero fatalities and their economies are healthy. Countries who locked down have rising fatalities […]
A major victory for the unborn, something dear to God’s heart. Remember John’s response, while in the womb, to the news Mary was pregnant? Also […]
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