Jan 6th abuse

December 16, 2021 Tim 0

There are too many unanswered questions about the Jan 6th storming of Congress. What was the role of FBI agents, who were the Antifa members […]

Pandemic planned or coincidental?

December 15, 2021 Tim 0

Was the pandemic orchestrated and suppression of Covid treatments planned or are these events coincidental? Robert Kennedy Jn exposes the financial links between NIH, CDC, […]

Pfizer safety data leaked

December 9, 2021 Tim 0

Flashpoint top five testimonies: Pfizer safety data is leaked showing, February 2021 there were already 1,200 deaths reported from the jab. Now we know why […]

The truth about lockdowns

December 7, 2021 Tim 0

The destruction of businesses and families is not being reported by the media. Increase in suicide, marriage breakdown and drug abuse is growing but who […]