PM Arden said, “We will not lockdown” then she locked down, “We will not mandate vaccines” then she mandated, “People will not lose their jobs” then people lost their jobs and “Councils can chose to join the Three Waters Scheme” then they could not choose. Would you trust someone like this?
Mayors and Councilors throughout NZ are questioning her honesty after not keeping her word on the Three Waters! Very wise of them. By their fruits you will know them.
Keep praying for a righteous Government in NZ, for righteous MPs who keep their word and care for the People, all abusive corrupt and dishonest politicians be removed
NZHerald: A big shakeup in local government structures would not happen under her watch if the sector did not want it, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told a local government conference last week.
Jules Radich said Ardern’s commentary seemed rather disingenuous, “considering the Three Waters proposal will strip substantial assets from local government”.
“It is difficult to trust anything the Government says right now given it said it would not mandate Three Waters and then it did,” Carmen Houlahan said.
Dunedin city councillor Lee Vandervis said if the Prime Minister believed her own claim “the future for local government is up to you”, she should force Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta to return to her original plan of allowing councils to opt-in or out of the “Three Waters takeover by central government and iwi”.
Among the more lively reactions was a comment from Otago regional councillor Michael Laws. The Prime Minister’s assertion local government can shape its own destiny is being challenged by southern community leaders who are sceptical after the Government’s handling of Three Waters reform.
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