Tomorrow the mid-Terms start so this newsletter shares our strategy and last minute instructions for successful elections. I have shared about the importance of the mid-Terms, we are praying for the soul of America. There are over 2,000 visitors from 14 countries who have read this blog. We will all be affected if America does not have a Red Wave. So this election is not just about America but also “The Light on a Hill”. America’s destiny is to be a light on a hill so the result will affect the nations. Let’s stand together!
Call your friends for a time of prayer, call the intercessors to stand in the gap, call the Church to pray throughout the elections. No one should think they are not important or will not make a difference. We can all impact the elections if we stand together.
I have shared prophecies and promises God has given about a Red Wave. I have shared some prayer points God has given us, and many others, to pray against the media and for forgiveness by both parties. I have shared how the Church in America must repent before God will move in the elections. In this newsletter I want to share some final points and about faith.
I like Papa Lou’s attitude, “Stop asking, Start proclaiming!”. He is expressing an important truth some find difficult to understand. When God promised Abram and Sarai a child, they changed their names to Abraham and Sarah. Abraham means “The father of a multitude” and Sarah means “Princess” and God proclaimed she shall be “A mother of nations”. So whenever Abraham called Sarah he was saying, “Mother of nations”. When Sarah called Abraham she was saying, “Father of a multitude”, Genesis 17:5, 16. They didn’t keep asking God for a child, they proclaimed they already had a child. This is faith, “The evidence of things not seen”.
After Jesus taught the Apostles how to intercede he asks the question, “When I return will I find faith on the earth?”, Luke 18. I find this astounding, why wouldn’t Christians have faith? It is by faith we come into the Kingdom, everything we receive from God is through faith, faith is the second foundation doctrine and faith is one of the three eternal qualities we are called to pursue.
How could Jesus not find faith on the earth! Sadly, I think he is right, there may be many Christians who do not have faith. Once Rees Howells asked God, why has no one interceded like I did during WWII? Jesus answered, “No one would believe!” What a shocking statement! Let’s not be doubters but people who are full of faith for the mid-Terms. God has promised.
No one would believe!
My first failure of faith happened as a young Christian. I had an eye infection which was very red and extremely painful. The hospital could not identify the cause and said there is nothing they can do. I was lying on my bed, bemoaning my condition when Jesus asked, “Why don’t you ask me to heal you?” I thought that is a good idea and asked him to heal me! The following day the pain had gone, the redness almost disappeared so I went back to work. The following week a thought came to me, was that really Jesus’s voice that spoke? The following day the pain and redness came back in full force. This was the first time I heard his still small voice so I wasn’t sure. As I was lying on my bed again, I prayed seeking God about the still small voice. After a lot of prayer I determined it was his voice so I claimed my healing a second time. The following day I was healed.
This is a clear lesson on the importance of faith for God to answer our prayers. Faith says it has been done, period. We don’t keep asking God for something he has already promised, we do not doubt what he has already promised and neither do we waver at his promises. We will proclaim many of the prayers God has already promised, for the mid-Terms. Where we don’t have promises we ask in faith, believing Jesus will answer our prayers. I believe he will if we do not give up.
We will start praying when the polls open and continue until the results come out. During polling we will pray in faith. Once the polls have closed and until the results are official, we will be proclaiming in faith the promises he has given. Once the polls have closed we can’t ask God to do anything more, except for fake results to be exposed. We can only stand in faith proclaiming God’s promise.
When we pray for important and complex situations we follow three principles. One, what is God saying? Two, what biblical principles apply and last, use common sense! We will begin proclaiming, not asking, for the promises God has already given. Charles Shamp, nine more Senate seats for Republicans. Mark Taylor, Johnny Enlow and Mark Thompson, A Red Wave. Tim, Faith and Prayer Center, both parties forgive past, present and future differences (a peaceful election and celebration afterwards). Christy Johnson, media lies be exposed, media be brought down but receive mercy. Ken Malone, Rick Scott for Senate in Florida. Dutch Sheets, the body of Christ in America repent of all disobedience and known sin (my words).
(the Red Wave did not happen. Rick Joyner said if 1% more Christians went out and voted the results would have been different. What if all Christians went out and voted, which they should have, there would have been a Red Wave!)
What biblical principles apply? We want a government after God’s heart which will fulfill his promises for America therefore we will be praying for a government who will rule with justice, truth, righteousness and love. Sadly these qualities are lacking after the far left onslaught. I continue to pray for Trump to tone down some of his language. However I must say, many times he is simply telling the truth but people don’t want to hear the truth or will twist what he is saying, especially the fake media.
Common sense tells us, if Democrats win the Senate they will impeach Trump and make life more difficult for Republicans, even impossible to rule. We have seen this strong partisanship at the Kavanaugh hearing and I don’t see any hope of change in the near future. Although there have been no prophecies for the House (correction Mark Taylor prophesied a Red Wave in Senate, House and Governors), we must also see a Red Wave in the House so America can move forward smoothly. Then the Governorship. If Democrats win the Governors positions, they can change boundaries and win power in later elections. I’m also going to pray for a Red Wave in the Governors races.
If we are to see a Red Wave in the Senate we’ll have to pray the likely and lean Republican seats, the likely and lean Democrat seats, and tossup seats are all won by Republicans. Similarly for the House, I will pray the likely and lean Republican seats, likely and lean Democrat seats and tossup seats will be won by Republicans! Then the Governors. I will also pray for a Red Wave in all Governor’s races but for Florida declare Rick Scott the winner. For specific States see below.
The Kavanaugh/Ford sham stirred up Republicans and now they are getting out to vote but let’s not be complacent. I am still going to pray all Republicans and Christians get out and vote. Polls show there are many races which are going to be close. Some Christians are always very nice. Butter won’t melt in their mouths but Jesus is not like that. He got a whip and drove out the money lenders, he rebuked the Pharisees and even called some Gentiles pigs! Now that’s not nice but I’m just telling you what he did. We don’t want to be uncivil but I’m going to be aggressive and pray Democrat’s wheels run heavy on polling day, hindering them from voting. God did that to Egypt so I guess it will be OK to pray the same.
At times Cindy Jacobs and Chuck Pierce prayed against people opposing God so let’s not be extreme and be too nice. This is about the soul of the nation, we have to fight for it! Of course you know to be nice to Democrats, don’t be uncivil. Remember we are praying against the spiritual forces which are working in the liberals which hinder God’s purpose, we are not fighting people.
Just a reminder, this is not about politics or the person. It is about the purpose of God for the States.
This is about the purpose of God for the States
Again this week’s newsletter is long but there are a lot of last minute details which will give you a clear picture of what needs to be done. Happy praying!
Proclaim in faith
1. The church of America will obey God and repent of all known sin, Dutch Sheets (correction: another Prophet at Dutch Sheets’ conference)
2. Nine more Republican’s in the Senate, Charlie Shamp
3. Rick Scott for the Senate seat in Florida, Ken Malone
4. Governorship, likely lean and tossup seats in House and Senate have a Red Wave, Johnny Enlow, Mark Taylor and Mark Thompson (correction: his name is Mike Thompson but Mike has put out a video saying he did not prophesy a Red Wave but other people claim he said this! My apologies Mike)
5. CNN will speak what God wants them to speak, Kim Clement
6. Lies and deception of the Media be exposed and truth revealed, forgiveness, Christy Johnston
7. Forgiveness by both parties for past, present and future differences, Tim & Faith, Prayer Center
1. Righteous, just, truthful and loving people voted into power
2. Christians and Republicans go out and vote regardless of obstacles
3. Confusion and division among those opposing God
4. Hinder the opposition from voting
5. All voter fraud be exposed and removed
Your mid-Term intercessors
Love Tim & Faith
1. Pray specifically for Red Waves in the likely, lean and tossup States
Fox News


2. “The Media Giants are Falling! A Call to Militant Intercession and for the Midterms” Christy Johnston
Babylon Will Fall
Lance Wallnau first prophesied that President Trump would be as a modern-day Cyrus. The fact this dream took place in the White House is a significant sign that God is bringing forth justice in the presence of the People’s House. I believe it also represents the mid-terms. The ceremony itself points to a “holding” of the fort, a celebration as the giants fall. The Father is cleansing the lies and bringing hidden darkness to light. His hand is upon Cyrus and there will be great celebration at the ceremony of the moguls’ downfall – the midterms.
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