“Who does not need daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, … because this He did once for all when He offered up Himself.” Heb 7:27 (NASB)
Once Rees Howells had interceded for a situation, he could always apply that intercession a second, third or fourth time. He did not need to intercede again. This is different from prayer. When God answers our prayer for something, we must pray again when a similar case happens.
Having gained a place of intercession for my mother, I could now…
apply the intercession to other alcoholics. I did not have to intercede for alcoholics again!
Bob was such a case. He was a very nice, distinguished old Englishman. He was a dentist by trade but unfortunately alcohol got a hold of him. He lost his family, his home, his business and was now on the streets.
I first met him at the Anglican detox center where I worked and as time went on, I got to know and like this fellow. His story was typical of a skid row alcoholic.
One day we got news he had a stroke. One side of his body had difficulty moving, the corner of his lip drooped and speech slurred. It was difficult for him to talk. I visited him in hospital and in tears he asked, why did this happen to him.
I shared it was because of his drinking then shared the gospel. He accepted the Lord and then the Holy Spirit led me to apply the intercession for alcoholics.
The next day when I visited he was not the hospital! I asked where he had gone and the nurse said he was out walking.
A few days later I caught up with him and he told me something strange had happened. He could not stop walking. Each day he walked about 5km and he could not understand why, he had never walked so far in his life. I knew what happened!
The power of God had gone to his feet.
Presently he was released from hospital and moved in to the Salvation Army hostel. He continued to improve. His speech got clearer, his walk steadier and his right hand began get steady so that he could make simple sketches.
By the power of God he was on the mend.
Just before Faith and I left for overseas I visited Bob again. He was working in the kitchen, his health had fully recovered and he was drawing beautiful, detailed sketches.
Best of all he was leading an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting, bringing people out of alcoholism and giving them new hope. He had now come full circle. It was a blessing to witness.
This is the power of intercession. Once we have gained that place of intercession we can apply it again as the Holy Spirit leads.
Rees Howells gained intercessions for many sicknesses. It was costly and painful but the pain and cost of interceding for someone is small compared to what they suffer.
Do you know someone who is sick, in need or is not saved. Ask the Lord how you can intercede for them. You will experience the joy of seeing someone come free of their bondage and you can apply that intercession again later.
Begin with your family and friends. As you are led by the Holy Spirit he will use you in a greater and greater measure.
Next week I would like to share how a traditional Anglican Church became charismatic. It is a very interesting story.
See you next week.
Love Tim & Faith
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