Recently I was wondering how can two ordinary people change a city through intercession. We are not smart or talented but two cities have changed and I believe New Zealand will also change.
I learnt several keys to successful intercession at the Queen St. AOG. We would fast three days and intercede for three hours but the way we interceded was not the same as others. It was radically different! I have seen very few people pray the way Queen St. did but the results were amazing.
The prayer meeting would begin
with worship. We would worship for 40-50 minutes, praising and worshipping with all our hearts. There was a strong presence of the Holy Spirit and God’s presence filled the Church. It was amazing!
Then we would flow into intercession, fervently praying in tongues and English. We would flow from fervent intercession into worship then back into intercession. There was a natural flow from one to the other, almost like a symphony of prayer and worship. Our spirits would rise up and the atmosphere was pregnant with the presence of God. Truly an amazing experience.
The flow between worship and prayer is a key!
We only prayed for one thing when we interceded! The previous week Pastor Neville Johnson announced what we would pray and it was always something of national importance. Most prayer meetings cover many topics but we only prayed one thing.
Praying for one thing and not many is another key to successful intercession.
We continued praying this way for the next two hours until Pastor or the prophets announced, “Your prayer has been heard, the answer is on the way”. Most people never pray until they have a word from God.
This is the third key to successful intercession.
I continued to pray this way for forty years and Faith also prays this way. This why we have been so successful in intercession. It is hard work. There is always resistance and a battle but the effort is well worth it. When we see people coming free of their bondages and suffering there is a joy which money cannot buy. We are seeing increasing influence and change city-wide.
Praying this way gets results.
A few years ago I was wondering where the Bible teaches this type of prayer. Everything we do should be in the Bible or agree with scripture. One day I was reading the book of Luke where Jesus taught the Apostles “The widows model”. It surprised me! This is the way we pray.
It is a very simple model which every Christian can use. It is not a method and it not just for Apostles! It is for everyone.
It was impossible for the widow to get justice from an unjust judge but Jesus taught us how to turn the impossible into the possible. Therefore the context of the widows model is, an impossible situation. All the testimonies I have shared before were impossible situations yet they have all turned around.
Other keys which Jesus taught:
- Cry day and night
- Do not give up praying
- Pray until we get the answer
- Be strong in faith
I have attached my sermon notes and power point which explains these truths in greater detail. I pray you will act on these in your own life and ministry. If you persevere and have faith, you will see the same results we have. Download The Widows Model Notes The Widows Model Power Point
Applying the widows model is not the only reason we have been so fruitful. Next week I will share more keys that will help you stand in the gap.
Love Tim & Faith
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