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Last week I shared about the cost of interceding for others. We see the same principle in Rees Howells life where he obeyed the Holy Spirit and repented of sin in his life.
The greatest commandment is “Love the Lord your God with all you heart, mind, soul and strength, and your neighbour as yourself”. In this scripture we see keys to successful intercession and the reason we have seen a city transformed.
This week I would like to share about the cost of loving others.
As a newly married couple we moved into one of the most notorious areas in Auckland. A group of gay, ex addicts/alcoholics had become Christians so the Church asked us to help.
Most community workers who help addicts can only cope for six months. It is extremely stressful helping them through the ups and downs of recovery. Some go back to their addiction, others make poor choices and all have serious personal problems which drags them down.
One night a sister got drunk and came knocking on our door. Another brother had deep struggles with sexual tendencies and needed constant encouragement. Another continually made bad choices and it was really hard to keep helping him. We did all this as well as a full-time job, Bible College and other ministry in Church.
When were back in Auckland this year we all got together. Everyone are faithful in Church and one brother is a Pastor of many churches. It was a joy and blessing to see them walking with Christ after so many years.
We need great patience and endurance to love others.
Last year we helped a sister who was seriously beaten by her alcoholic husband. She had a black eye and could not walk without the support of the children. We took her to hospital, for counseling and visited the family to try and help. We also made our house a safe house for her and the four children.
Sometime later we got a phone call in the middle of the night. The sister was attacked again. It was wet and cold outside but we responded immediately. When we arrived on the scene there were knife wounds on her neck.
We talked with the family until the early hours of the morning, trying to bring calm and order into the situation. At one point the husband grabbed a knife trying to commit suicide! It was a very tense and dangerous time.
Maybe we would be willing to help a good friend in this situation but we hardly know this family. Neither are they part of our ministry. The husband is a rubbish collector who scavenges construction sites for a living. They live in an extremely poor part of the city yet we showed the same love as we would to others.
As Rees Howells grew in love there was an increasing power of the Holy Spirit in his ministry. We see the same principle working in our lives and is a reason why we have been successful in intercession.
We have obeyed the Holy Spirit until our hearts naturally show God’s love.
We are not perfect but we continue to obey the Holy Spirit and repent of sin in our lives. For this reason God works through us shaking a city and bringing transformation.
You can do the same!
Every Christian has the grace to become Christ like, to obey God and love others. Let’s keep showing love especially to the house of God.
Till next week, keep growing in love. God will also use you to bring transformation.
Love Tim and Faith
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