The last two weeks I shared about the cost of intercession. When we pay the price and take up our cross, the power of the Holy Spirit will move through us.
This week I would like to share about a time of great increase, increase in power and influence. It began, in the fellowship which we attend, with a prophecy saying “If you will intercede for three months you will see the west open up”.
Half the population of our country live in the west. How could we possibly intercede for such a large area and so many people! I was astounded by the challenge but the next day I announced, “Next Friday we will start an intercessory prayer meeting”.
We fasted three days then on the Friday night had our first meeting. During the week the Holy Spirit showed me what to pray.
Each week we interceded and most times we got answers to what the Holy Spirit had spoken. It was an amazing time of intercession and time with Christ.
One memorable night was when we interceded against the Laughing Buddha. We are talking about millions of people who worship this idol of wealth and education.
During the time of intercession the Holy Spirit gave us a promise, the power of the Laughing Buddha had been broken.
The following week a sister, who we were discipling in Church Planting, visited her mother in hospital. Her mother had severe pneumonia and the doctors told her to prepare to die. There was nothing more they could do.
Sis W said to her mother, “Repent and believe in Jesus”. Immediately her mother repented and accepted Christ!
At that very moment the pneumonia left. She tried to leave hospital but the doctors refused saying she is about to die.
Sis W’s mother said, “Daughter go home and destroy all my idols. They have never done me any good, only Jesus has helped me”.
Sis W went home and destroyed all the idols. Mother was a devout Buddhist and worshiped the Laughing Buddha!
God gave us a sign, the power of the Laughing Buddha was broken.
Sis. W’s mother has been faithful until today. In an area not far from here there is a place called Laughing Buddha. I have been told there are fifty Churches planted in that district.
The power of the Laughing Buddha throughout the west has been broken, setting people free from bondage and bringing them into God’s kingdom.
This is the power of intercession.
Love Tim & Faith
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