I hope you are seeking the Lord during this important time. God has promised to burn the dross out of our lives, if we seek him with all our heart. I have reorganized my schedule, setting time aside to seek the Lord for this blessing. This prophecy is very challenging to my faith and I wonder where in the Bible, did God burn out the dross?
When we were born-again God did something in our heart. Every Christian knows their heart changed, their life was never the same. For Faith, the Holy Spirit gave her a tremendous thirst for God’s word.
As a fifteen year old kid, her mother would scold her saying, “You will go crazy reading the Bible so much!” At night, when everyone was asleep, she would pull the covers up over her head, get out her torch light and read the Bible.
After we have been born-again we go through the sanctification process, where step by step we become like Christ. We cannot avoid or skip this process. Every Christian must follow the Holy Spirit and work with God to become like Christ. These struggles, trials and at times failures build character and perseverance.
At some point, and we are now at that point, we may come to a place where God will burn out the remaining dross but is this biblical? Often I have wondered about Isaiah and thought, what really happened in chapter 6, is it really true? Was it a complete change of Isaiah’s heart?
The Bible is clear, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Isaiah cried out to God saying, I live amoung a people of unclean lips and I am a man of unclean lips. At that moment an angel took a coal from the altar and touched Isaiah’s lips, forgiving his sins and cleansing his heart. Isaiah had a complete change, and this is what God is promising the body of Christ right now.
The rest of Israel did not receive this blessing, only Isaiah. The rest of Israel came under the sword and famine because they were living in sin. Isaiah was the only one confessing his sin and repenting. I do not believe this fire will come to all Christians. Those who are going the way of sin, and there are many, will miss this blessing from God.
Faith is also required. Everything we receive from God comes by faith. Israel failed to come into the Promised Land because of doubt. If you find it hard to believe these prophecies, spend time praying in tounges until you fully believe the promise of God. God’s fire will come and will not delay.
Church, let’s be seeking God for this cleansing. He has promised it, we all have the same opportunity, it will come if we seek him with all our heart. Intercessors let’s be praying for the Church to come into this blessing.
Your fire chasers
Love Tim & Faith
Fire Prophecies
Matt Sorger
The Lord spoke to my heart, “I am releasing another baptism of fire upon My people.”
The sign of the burning incense was the Lord speaking to me that a new baptism of fire is coming upon the Body of Christ. Anything that does not look like Jesus, act like Jesus, talk like Jesus, think like Jesus…is going to be burnt up, until the only thing left in us is JESUS.
Everything that hinders the perfect image and nature of Christ in us is going to be burnt up in the fire of God. The Lord showed me what looked like walking flames of fire. This baptism of fire is going to be so all consuming that we are going to look like walking flames of fire, exuding the very nature and fragrance of Christ.
Charles Shamp
I decree and declare that from this day forward you will no longer walk at the speed of the natural but run by the supernatural power of God. I speak as a man of God and say that your business, family, finances and destiny will no longer move at natural speed. You will go from realm to realm with supernatural ease in this season.
Watch for the Signs
I heard the Lord say, “Son, say to My people that the least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. For I am the LORD; in its time I will do this swiftly.
“Tell My people to watch for the signs; yes, watch the shifting of major tectonic plates in the earth as I shift My Body into a fresh move of the Spirit. Yes, watch the eruption of a volcano in this time as a sign of the fire of the Lord being released on the earth, for My cleansing fire is flowing from the mountain of God and it will not be contained.
“Listen not to those that say it will not come, but come to the table on bended knee to feast and live in liberty. For if My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Chuck Pierce
“My consuming fire is coming to those things the enemy set you in, to overtake you. My spotlight is on you. You are to radiate and cause the light I put on you to cause the darkness around you to separate and dispel. My light is on you, and you cause the darkness around you to separate and dispel.” (Prophetic words spoken by: Acijam Otxoa, Chuck D. Pierce, Keevy Phillips, Kendrick Lewis, and Robyn Vincent.)
Katie Barker, Tweed Coast, Australia
Recently I heard the Lord say, “A time of unprecedented change is before My people. A new chapter is before them.”
I then had a vision of heavenly books being opened. These books outlined the plans the Lord had for His people. Some books were for individuals, others were for ministries. As each book was opened I saw a page had been turned in the book. I knew it wasn’t just a new day but a new season for these people. The new page was the start of a new chapter in the destiny the Lord had planned for them. A chapter had ended and a new one was beginning.
Ask the Lord to show you the new chapter that has started and will unfold before you. Embrace the strategies He has given to partner with this new chapter and be expectant for all the Lord will bring forth, as this chapter in your destiny will not look the same as any previous one. A time of unprecedented change is before you!
Three signs
- The people of God who have felt that they have not moved forward into the fullness of their destiny in God, will see blockages removed and divine opportunities and open doors released. Those who have stood in faith and stepped out in obedience will see the Lord move powerfully on their behalf as they are released into the new chapter in their destiny.
Psalm 126:5-6 (ESV), “Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy! He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing the sheaves with him.”
- The battle of the past seasons has strengthened your faith and developed your character. As the Lord opens this new chapter in the lives of His people, its pages will reveal restoration of hope, strength, joy and destiny.
- This will be a time of reward for all that has been sown. Every step of obedience and every tear has not gone unseen and every prayer has not gone unheard. The Lord is bringing life and multiplication to all that has been sown, for He is going to ignite the seeds sown in past seasons.
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