One night Faith had a dream. She was watching the massacre of Chinese in Malaysia. As she watched the massacre, Faith saw Prime Minister Najib looking on. At that moment, Faith thought of Najib’s father and the 1969 massacre which happened during his term as Prime Minister. We knew what God was saying.
We knew God was warning us that Chinese would be massacred during PM Najib’s term in office. As intercessors God will show us things before they happen. He is looking for a people who will stand in the gap and turn those situations around, bringing his purposes to pass on earth. Malaysia has a promise from God that it will be a racially harmonious country. When we look around the Mu*lim countries, Malaysia stands out as an exception of racial and sectarian harmony. It is the intercessors job to protect and fulfill God’s will in the nation.
There was just one problem. Who would join us to intercede? Unexpectedly and unwillingly, we had to leave our country so we went to Malaysia. Tim was very discouraged because we had just begun to witness to our friends.
The day we arrived, the Malaysian AG had begun a three day conference, led by prophet and intercessor Ps. S. Coincidentally, during those few days Malays were going to protest in several Chinese areas to disrupt businesses and close down shops.
The streets were empty, tensions were high. I went into one area the Malay were going to protest. The normally busy computer center was almost empty with very few customers and quite a few shops closed.
Coincidence that we arrived during an intercessors conference and at a time when racial tensions were at their highest! No. God’s divine providence provided the right people, at the right time, in the right place to stand in the gap for the nation.
If we are faithful and obedient, God will make a way to bring his purposes about. It takes faith and a knowledge that God is omnipotent and is working on our behalf to fulfill his purposes in the earth.
During the conference we spent several hours interceding against racial violence. We cried out to God with tounges, worship and in words. After several hours our cries reached the heavens and God gave Ps. S a word.
“The heavens have opened”
We prayed fervently for Malaysia until God spoke and gave us a word that the heavens had opened. Then we prayed racial harmony would come down to Malaysia, replacing the hatred and racial tensions.
It was exciting standing in the gap with 600 other intercessors and changing the nation. During the Queen St. days our Church did the same and we saw New Zealand change time after time, becoming more and more righteous.
Is God calling you to stand in the gap for someone or a situation? Do it with all your heart and you will see your prayers answered.
Until next week, take care.
God Bless
Love Tim & Faith
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