We have not written for a long time. We have been on holiday, had many changes, the covid-19 outbreak and intercession. We pray you and your family keep safe during the covid-19 outbreak, coming through stronger and blessed in the Lord. With covid-19 we find ourselves confined to Malaysia. Ministry is experiencing a great shift this year so we are extremely frustrated with the delay. But now we see God’s providence, keeping us in Malaysia for such a time as this!
When covid-19 broke out I did not have peace about going back. Then the Malaysian government collapsed! It was God who miraculously brought the government into power in 2018 but two years later it was gone. Faubion, Chuck Pierce’s ministry, prophesied July last year, if the old system becomes established by May 2020 it will be seven times worse.Under the previous government people were murdered, in apparent corruption related cases, and billions of dollars went missing. Some of the money was traced through bank records into former PM Najib’s accounts. The old system has come back, so now the situation is critical.
This is the third time we are in Malaysia during a crisis. The first was 2015 when racial tensions were high, the second time 2016 when the country was at a tipping point and now when the country is in a political crisis. One sister gave us a word, “The book of Esther”. I see the whole book of Esther fitting this situation: God’s providence moving people into place, betrayal on an enormous scale and a nation in danger if the old system establishes itself.
God is speaking but the Church is slow to respond. We continue to intercede for the nation and pray the Church will respond in time. God has arranged for us to be here for such as time as this. Please pray God give us wisdom and to know our part in this.
With covid-19 striking many countries, God is speaking to the nations. Certainly life will not be the same, it is a time of change and enormous challenges. Nations are in the balance at this time, not just from covid-19 but also for their economies and for their destiny.
Last year Chuck Pierce prophesied, plague like conditions will hit the earth in February, March and April 2020 so God was looking to see which nations “Passed Over”. He said if a nation celebrates and honours Christ’s blood, death which is gripping that nation will shift at Passover, April 8th and God will rearrange the economy. Time is short!
Intercessors we must be crying out for the Christians in our country, that they will celebrate and honour the blood of Christ. We cannot be like the Pharisees and honour God with our lips only. We must honour God with our words and our actions.
Honour the blood with repentance of all that is not pleasing to God and put our faith in Christ’s blood to forgive. Pray the Lord will forgive the church’s wrong doings and bring a godly conviction.
When God’s people honour him in this way he will pass over the nation, bringing the covid-19 death rate down and healing the economy. Many countries face an economic depression. Shawn Bolt’s confirms Chuck’s word about healing of the US economy but healing applies to all nations who honour Christ’s blood.
Rick Joyner was praying for covid-19 to stop and the Lord told him, “Do not to pray that way!” God told Rick, he wants Christians to be praying for healing. Healing is a great evangelism tool. Jesus often used healing to bring people into the Kingdom so pray for God to heal your friends and family rather than take covid-19 away. Use the testimony to lead your family and friends to Christ.
Steven Springer prophesied covid-19 will not infect Christians, just like John G Lake. We must have a personal revelation for this to happen. We live by faith not presumption. There have been an abundance of prophecies about covid-19 so put your faith in Christ to protect and heal.
The word I am preaching this year, “The most important thing!” is about our relationship with Christ and our character. The two most important things as Christians is knowing Christ and reproducing his life. Rees Howells says, “The most important thing is the life of Christ in us”. Bishop Hammon says, “God uses suffering to build Christ’s character in us”.
Most of us are too busy with work until our relationship with God and family are neglected. Our two most important relationships are God and family. No one on their death bed will say, I wish I had spent more time at work. Most will regret their neglect of God, family and friends. God wants us to make adjustments so use this down time to refocus on the important things in life.
Also build good hygiene habits. During the plague of 1918, very few Jews were infected because they followed the hygiene laws in scripture.
During covid-19 make the best use of your down time to go up, go up in your relationship with God and family. Spend time worshiping him, praying and seeking him for your family, and healing for those affected.
Keep safe
Love Tim & Faith
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