We hope you had a great Pentecost and are going from glory to glory. Prophets said we would have a true Pentecost just like we had a true Passover and they were correct. The Journey from Passover to Pentecost was a wonderful time in God’s presence, full of revelation, divine healing and amazing grace.
In Acts, the day of Pentecost was on the Jewish holiday ‘Festival of Weeks’. On the “Festival of Weeks” Israel celebrated the blessing of harvest, spent the night reading the scriptures and eating. On the night of Pentecost I, Tim, slept soundly. The second night I also slept soundly, then the third, and the fourth until now! For me this is a huge blessing.
Over thirty years ago I worked night shift, two nights a week, in a detox center. It was enough to pay my college fees, have time for study and serve in Church. Unfortunately it was also enough to disrupt my sleep patterns and I never recovered. One time I could not recall sleeping for four to five weeks!
I was desperate and prayed, asking the Lord for help. Twice in a dream, he gave me a promise of seven hours sleep but for years, I could only get four or five hours each night. Every morning I dragged myself out of bed, worn out!
Several years ago I was scheduled to travel with my boss. We were going to work each morning and afternoon then in the evenings meet clients. I was not looking forward to that week and prayed, “Lord this is going to be really tough. Could you give me a good night sleep while I am away!” I slept seven hours each night but that stopped abruptly when I got home! I was encouraged and pressed on, declaring God’s promise of seven hours sleep.
On the night of Pentecost all that changed! I slept soundly and continue to sleep soundly. It was many years ago when God gave the promise but he is faithful and blessed me that night. For me it is a Pentecost to remember and celebrate. Thank you Lord for your goodness.
Has God given you a promise? Do not doubt him and do not give up. Be strong in faith, he will do as promised.
On the ‘Festival of Weeks’ Jews read the scriptures throughout the night, receiving knowledge and revelation from the word. The last week before Pentecost, the Holy Spirit gave me dreams each night. One night I received three dreams giving correction and direction for ministry. Through many dreams God also confirmed our call to Church planting among our people group and as intercessors for the nations.
Throughout our Journey there was the strong presence of the Holy Spirit, filling our hearts and our prayer room. We are so blessed to be able to come into God’s presence through the blood of Christ. Problems dissolve away, hearts are refreshed and we are encouraged to keep pressing on.
For the Church, Pentecost celebrates God pouring out his Spirit in power. I was especially encouraged when the Holy Spirit gave Chuck Pierce Acts 3:6-8 for Pentecost, “But Peter said, …. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene–walk!” And seizing him by the right hand, he raised him up; and immediately his feet and his ankles were strengthened. With a leap he stood upright and [began] to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.”
Many years ago I was wondering how to reach our people group. That night I had a dream where men from our group were walking towards me. I wondered how to reach them but thought, they will kill me if I witness to them. Our spiritual daughter was almost killed when she believed! Then in the dream I saw a cripple come along and had an idea.
Then the cripple walked away healed and the scene changed. A man came up to me with a leather bound book, which I knew was a Bible, and asked me to explain it to him. I have been interceding for cripples, for several years but have not received the assurance of healing. I was hoping the Lord would give me a promise on Pentecost but he did not. I believe the day will come when we see cripples walk and many come into the kingdom because of the miracles.
Please be praying for us. I am hoping doors will open for us to go back, but I am no longer anxious. We realised we have not had sabbatical for ten years. It is recommended front line workers take sabbatical every four to five years.
The front line is the toughest place in the world and many do not make it, backsliding or leaving the field. We have seen many fail in sin or leave. Furthermore, we face the two most powerful principalities on earth so taking sabbatical is vital for our success. So now is a time of rest, refreshing and rebuilding for the next season.
God has given us so much revelation, encouragement and guidance we are really looking forward to getting back. In the six months before covid-19, God began to do amazing things among our people group. Before that it was extremely difficult and unfruitful, but those last six months saw a big change. I believe, when we go back we will be extremely fruitful. Please be praying for us.
Our Journey to Pentecost was such a blessing with healing, God’s presence and an abundance of revelation. We are not going back to our old ways but are increasing our time with the Lord each day, declaring victory over all areas our lives and praising him.
If you did not experience growth during lock down do not despair but put your trust in God’s mercy, put time aside to worship him and seek his face. He promises to reward those who diligently seek him, Hebrews 11:6. Lord we pray, draw each person towards you, fill them with your joy and peace, show yourself strong in their lives so they will know you are the true and living God, AMEN.
Your seeking ones
Love Tim & Faith
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