We need one last push to win the elections and preserve the soul of America. The radical left agenda is crystal clear and Chuck Pierce’s prophecy bodes a chilling future if we fail. Many are weary but we must keep encouraging ourselves and persevere until victory. God has promised victory if we do not give up, Luke 18:1.
AG Barr is very clear, the Obama administration tried to prevent and then remove Pres. Trump from office. He also expressed the threat of mail-in-ballots, so has ordered Prosecutors to investigate election fraud. WH Press Secretary McEnany has 230 pages of voter fraud with witnesses, which have been narrowed down to 500 affidavits. The situation is grave.
I have missed two important prayer points for the election, ballot verification and the media. People following true news realise fraud of signatures and ballot verification is rampant. The same signatures were seen on 30,000 ballots and there were 10,000 ballots for dead people! Secondly the fake media, and now social media, have and continue to influence the election results. The election is a mess.
Many Americans do not believe the election was fair, but stolen and they are right to think this. States which changed their laws just before the election, preventing signature and validity checks of ballots, polluted the election. In Minnesota one man is videoed bragging about harvesting 300 ballots. Many States had ballots filled out for Biden only.
Never in the history of elections have voting machines stopped counting. In another State a sworn affidavit says, a person witnessed 30,000 ballots having the same signature. In another State an affidavit says, a witness saw ballots for 10,000 people who have died. Really! People who claim there is no fraud are blind or dishonest.
Pennsylvania and Nevada changed their laws, the week before the election, saying no need to confirm signatures. In other States, observers were not allowed to see if signatures were confirmed. One observer was jeered and chased out of the counting room after questioning ballots. Another affidavit says, ballot harvesters brought bundles of ballots into the counting centres and filled them in. I also saw a video of a poll worker filling in ballots! Tens of thousands of votes may be affected.
Only fraud which can overturn the election results will be investigated so we must be strategic in our intercession. Georgia has ordered a ballot recount and audit but the ballots are not the problem. In Georgia 3.5% absentee ballots were rejected in 2018 for signature problems yet only 0.3% this year. The problem is the signatures and validity of the ballots. With the evidence of massive fraud in these two areas, we must pray signature and ballot eligibility audits are made in every swing State.

Also it is essential to keep following events because the situation is changing daily so our prayer focus may also need to change. We continue to listen to broadcasts, watch the news and read the papers evaluating everything as we move forward. In Pennsylvania the Supreme Court changed the law saying ballots can be counted up to three days after polls close. This could affect 350,000 ballots according to Giuliani, Trump’s lawyer. Lawyers who were going to defend Republicans in Pennsylvania have changed their minds, apparently because of internal pressures against taking up the case. We must be praying strength and courage for Trump’s lawyers.
Then social media, for the first time in election history are influencing an election. Hunter Biden’s story by NYPost was blocked for two weeks. The day after blocking the message, they admitted the mistake but didn’t unblock the post for two weeks. Then a lot messages by Trump and other Republicans were blocked.
Another social media outlet would not accept Republicans advertisements and one very popular search engine began skewing searches. I tested that search engine and to my shock the results hid the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop!
We must be praying against the fake media including social media according to prophecies which say, they will be exposed and fall but some will turn and speak the truth. This prayer is being answered as people are leaving the popular social media apps and turning to others so let’s be strong in faith declaring this over the media.
During WW2 Rees Howells spent time each morning, waiting on the Lord for guidance about the different battles. Then each morning, afternoon and evening the College would pray until the Holy Spirit told them the battle was won. Often they would have news of victory before the radio announcements. If you have not prayed this way before, join us as we stand in the gap for America. Keep praying until you have that assurance the battle is won.
In all this keep a right attitude of forgiveness towards “The Deep State”. God will bring them to justice as prophesied.
Our prayer strategy
- The Holy Spirit will strengthen Trump’s faith, believing he will be a second term President
- Strength and courage for Trump and his lawyers
- Wisdom, insight and revelation for Trump and his lawyers
- Wisdom and insight for Republicans running in Georgia Senate race next month
- Strength, courage, wisdom and insight for AG Barr and DOJ prosecutors to find signature and ballot fraud in swing States
- Audit of all signatures and eligibility of ballots in swing States
- Audit of all voting machines in swing States
- Clear understanding for the SC to judge Pennsylvania extending dates to receive ballots
- Whistle blowers come forward and expose all signature, ballot, voting machine and computer fraud
- Fake media and social media be exposed for their lies, fall then turn and speak the truth
Standing with the States
Love Tim & Faith
Attorney Sidney Powell discusses the team??s legal strategy to address election integrity concerns on ??Sunday Morning Futures.??
Vote dumps entirely for former Vice President Joe Biden are not credible, assessed Hans von Spakovsky, manager of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative and a senior legal fellow of the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. Weird reports coming out of votes only for one candidate and not the other, you’ve got to question, what exactly is going on?”
Chuck Pierce: A Defining Time in the History of Our Nation
Tracy Cooke and Kevin Zadai prophesy Trump will win the election (Frank Amedia and Pat Robertson have also prophesied a win)
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