This is an encouraging prophecy to help us stand with President Trump at this critical time.
Be strong in faith, not looking at the circumstances but declaring God’s promises for the States! Trump will win a second term and continue leading America in righteousness. Do not doubt in your time of trial!
“USA – Do You Believe I Am the Way Maker?”
Katie Barker, Tweed Coast, Australia
“I am not a man that I should lie. Speak forth with boldness the turnaround that is coming. Posture your hearts in faith and thanksgiving knowing I am faithful to bring to pass all I have spoken. Decree the overturning of the evil agenda and the breaking forth of My plans. Now is not the time to step back or to doubt, but to stand firm in faith, standing on the promises I have given. My Word does not return void but accomplishes all it is sent forth to fulfill. Align your words with Mine and speak forth My Word
“The outcome of this election has worldwide significance and impact so the spiritual battle surrounding it is great. But this is the hour of the overturning for I have heard the prayers of My people and I am coming to show Myself strong on their behalf. A course-correction will be seen in the nation following My intervention. The day of deliverance is coming, for I will overthrow and overturn the plans of the enemy and relaunch the nation into the greater destiny I have planned for it.”
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