Results of the Presidential election are clear, the election was stolen. As the Supreme Court rejected numerous appeals, courts rejected cases despite overwhelming evidence, as Legislators were prevented from examining counting machines, subpoena ballots and envelopes, the situation became hopeless. Then God moved and gave a sign, a star fell from heaven confirming demonic forces behind the elections have fallen.
Yesterday Dutch Sheets was given another confirmation, Michael the archangel is fighting for truth in the States. Dutch was led to DC to pray for Michael to come and fight for America. While they were in DC they received a word saying, the hymn for the civil war was written in the hotel where they were saying. Key lines of the hymn say, “… Glory glory hallelujah, Truth is marching on! The prophecy said, God wants Dutch to know, he is at the center of God’s will. So encouraging, God confirmed Dutch’s call to DC with a sign, Michael the arch angel is now fighting for America.
I am shocked the Supreme Court has not ruled on clear violations of the Constitution, AG Barr could not see the widespread fraud, the FBI did not seize all election materials, the courts have not ruled on violations of the law, VP Pence certified an election which is clearly fraudulent and Senators did not stand for the truth. The Democrats and fake media are performing as expected and shockingly, social media turned against the President and conservatives. The whole system is broken. Sadly Republicans stormed (correction. I should say Republicans entered Congress. Known antifa activitists broke into Congress and sadly, Republicans followed) Congress and Democrats are now using it to bring disaster on Trump. Trump had called for a peaceful rally and for people to make their voices heard. Things cannot get much worse than this!
When everything looked hopeless for Abraham, he hoped against hope and so must we. When Abraham doubted God’s promise God encouraged him with a sign, his children will be as numerous as the stars. Every night Abraham was reminded of God’s promise. Abraham persevered and received God’s promise, Isaac was born sowing the seed for a nation. We must not give up hope but persevere in faith and not doubt. If we are strong in faith, the States will come through this very dark hour and Pres. Trump will win a second term.
When everything seemed hopeless for the States, God spoke and is going to move as Michael is now fighting for America. We do not know how or when things will turn around, but Chuck Pierce prophesied we must keep praying until the 18th of January. He doesn’t know why this date but he is simply being obedient to the Holy Spirit. Pat Robertson prophesied Trump will be installed on the 20th. Dutch Sheets has received over forty prophecies saying Trump will be a two term President and over ten saying, when everything looks hopeless do not give up, Trump will win.
Some say, what about 2022 or 2024 to regain the Presidency and Senate. Remember Brennan wrote a note saying Hillary Clinton started the false Trump/Russia collusion story, Democrats and Clinton paid for the fake Steele dossier, the FBI used the dossier and lied to FISA Court getting a warrant to spy on Trump workers, Gen Flynn was set up then prosecuted by DOJ, Biden recommended using the Logan Act to catch Gen Flynn knowing Flynn had not lied then the Democrats investigated Trump for two years knowing Clinton started the rumour and the dossier is fake. Then the same party stole the election.
Democrats have already said they will abolish the filibuster, pack the Court then make DC and Puerto Rico States. This will ensure Republicans will not lead government for the next 30 years. Chuck Pierce warned, if Trump does not win the election America will become another tyrannical nation. Chuck’s prophecy is a few days from being fulfilled so there will be no 2022 or 2024. Now, we must be standing in faith and declaring Trump has won a second term. American’s must protest to their legislators and make it clear, they will not be in politics if they do not stand up for the truth.
God has answered so many prayers so let us be encouraged. Fraud is exposed with the latest bombshell reported by Gen Flynn, confession of an Italian hacker who was paid to change election results. We have seen poll workers pulling ballots from under a table, counting them multiple times which would change the results. Counting machines in Michigan, which had spikes of 120,000 votes, were forensically inspected showing someone deleted user and security logs hiding critical election details.
In Arizona signatures were inspected by Republicans and Democrats rejecting 6-10%, changing the results. In Pennsylvania we have 200,000 more votes than eligible voters which changes the results. There are 1,000 affidavits of witnesses from both parties testifying of illegal and unethical practices by poll workers and the list goes on. All these change the results of the election so let us be encouraged. God is moving, exposing fraud and he will win.
Rick Joyner was praying asking the Lord, why is the country having so much trauma. The Holy Spirit replied, because the Church is not living 2 Chronicles 7:14! As goes the Church, so goes the nation is a true saying. Pastors must encourage and challenge their people to walk uprightly. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is a prominent theme in our lives. We have proven over and over, when we walk in God’s ways God moves on our behalf.
As goes the Church, so goes the nation!
Dutch Sheets was given a key word for this moment. In a dream the Holy Spirit showed Pres. Trump opening God’s glory for America. As the President was opening the glory, the Church and Gen Flynn were helping the President. As the President opened the glory, people who were giving wrong advice to the President were driven back. Melania then prophesied, healing of the nation has begun.
We do not understand how this is going to work out but we have found from experience, if we simply obey God then he will work out the details. We are praying for Gen Flynn to protect the President from wrong advice. We are also praying the Church will stand in the gap for the President, being Aaron and Hur lifting up his hands to open God’s glory. As we do this God’s glory will be unlocked for America and healing will come.
Let’s be encouraged. God has given two marvellous signs and answered many prayers. He will do as promised. Let’s not doubt or waver but be strong in faith, declaring Trump a second term President. Keep praying until you sense the breakthrough or receive a promise. We will succeed if we faint not.
Standing for the States
Love Tim & Faith
- Dutch Sheets: Healing of the Republic
God gives Dutch Sheets a confirmation while staying at the Willard hotel DC
Premiered on 11 Jan 2021
2. Victory Update: Antifa storms Congress and sadly Republicans follow
3. Gen Flynn announces Italian hacker was paid to change the 2020 election results. see video @17mins
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