We do not look for signs but take note of them because they show God is moving. This encourages our faith and helps us persevere until victory.
The Victory Channel lists 20 signs showing God is moving in the States. I mention four areas we are interceding for but there is much more happening. Watch the video to see all that God is doing.
Areas we are focusing on are, “The Deep State”, fake media, the 2020 elections and Trump to be a two term President.
The connection of Fusion GPS and media to influence the fake Trump/Russia collusion is clear. RHINO’s plans failing is important because they are either corrupt or deceived therefore thwarting God’s plans for America.
Arizona election fraud is now clear where machine operators decided ballot outcomes by 80%, had passwords for the machines, machine data was deleted just before the audit and the continuing obstruction of the audit. Now more States are going to audit their 2020 election.
The greatest news is, President Trump is coming back and we believe will rightfully become a second term President as prophesied.
Keep declaring Trump a two term President, honest results for 2020 in all States, fake media tell the truth and the Deep State be brought to justice!
Victory Channel: A Major Victory! Sam Sorbo, Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman and more! (May 18th, 2021)
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