FB: September 10, 2021, WXYZ-TV Channel 7 posted a request on Facebook asking people who had lost an unvaccinated loved one to COVID-19, to contact them for a story.
As of September 29, 2021, the post had more than 244,000 comments, and the vast majority are about someone who was injured or died from the COVID shot, or who got severe COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated. You can browse through the hundreds of thousands of comments here. Below are some examples of the comments posted on the site:
“My good friend’s grandpa just passed away due to receiving his booster vaccine.”
“How about doing a story about my uncle who was in fine shape until he got vaccinated. Or my boss's uncle who was healthy and in his 50s, then died suddenly a week after getting vaccinated.”
“My sister-in-law’s father died of a stroke 48H after Moderna vax. He was active and healthy.”
“What about my husband’s boss who had two strokes after her second dose?! Not interested in that story?”
“The shot murdered my friend three weeks after he got it.”
“I have a close friend that now has myocarditis after the shots. High Mortality within 5 years. Perfectly healthy prior to the shots.”
“I know 2 women who had strokes right after their shot.”
“We lost an uncle to heart inflammation 2 days after he received the vaccine.”
“Lost a very dear man after his second dose of the vaccine and he said he regretted getting it and he advised me not to get it. How about reporting on those? He died of a brain aneurysm, and was a very healthy man.”
“My beautiful mother passed away recently, 23 days after having the first AstraZeneca shot (that I didn’t know she was getting). ‘Immunization’ was the ‘cause of death’ on her death certificate.”
“I now know more people injured by the vaccine than people who even had covid.”
“No but I know of two people who died from Covid after being fully vaccinated.”
“My uncle passed away 3 months after his second shot. He was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, had surgery, was released to rehab and then died of a blood clot. Thanks Pfizer.”
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