In 2011 the Holy Spirit gave Tim a burden to intercede for our city. Crime was rising causing a lot of concern amoung the public. The Holy Spirit gave Tim 2 Chronicles 7:14. The following year the rate of serious crime, murder and robbery, came down. In 2014 the Red Light District closed two months after interceding then later a large number of corrupt government officials were removed from office.
God has spoken, our city is the Royal City for the nation. What happens here will happen throughout the country. With this enormous responsibility we continue to press forward bringing transformation wherever we can.
For three days, seven of us got up early in the morning, fasted and prayer walked the city until late at night. It was a tough three days of intercession but we are seeing God bring more godly changes to the Royal City.
Hezekiah’s Strategy
Hezekiah transformed Israel by first cleansing the temple, then removing the altars in Jerusalem and finally the altars on the high places, 2 Chronicles 29:3, 30:14, 31:1. For three days we followed this principle of transformation.
In 2011 we interceded three months for God’s people(the temple) to repent. After three months the temple was cleansed(although there are still more cleansing to do). Later we identified an idol, symbolising prosperity for the city. When we interceded to break its power, the idol’s foundation cracked. A few years later we interceded with a team from CFNI and again the foundation cracked. This time we did a proper job and prayed until God gave us a word that the power of the idol had been broken.
Then we moved to the city gates praying for youth, communications, missions, sin, forgiveness for past sins and blocking sin from coming into our city. At each gate we sprinkled salt to symbolically cleanse the gate. God gave us words as we claimed authority over the north, south, east and west gates. We sensed God’s presence throughout this time, it was amazing!
High Places
Then we headed for the high places and God gave us three signs in the sky. It was incredible! We don’t ask or seek for signs but we have learnt to take note of them. Usually these signs have encouraged and strengthened our faith. To be quite honest, it is sometimes very difficult to believe or apprehend that we are changing a city but when we see God’s signs, it strengthens our faith and we know that he will move!
We climbed the highest mountain and began praying against the spiritual forces robbing the city of it’s blessings. We pounded the ground with a stake then built an altar to the Lord, claiming his blessings would come to the city. At that moment the clouds opened up and the sun shone over the inner city area. As we turned to leave, a white rainbow appeared in the sky, the same shape and colour a sister saw earlier in the morning when we were praying. God made a covenant with us saying that his blessings will come back to our city and we will not be robbed again.

Not actual photo
The third sign happened when we prayed against feminism, immorality and slumber. As we prayed, declaring God’s victory over these things, there were several claps of thunder. There was no thunder before that nor after, only when we were praying. God was clapping his hands in approval for what we had done.
One other sign was when we prayed to break the bondage of violence and aggression, off the cities women. This violence is a strong cultural problem. Our city has a reputation for fierce women. We have seen more women fighting in the streets than men!
When we began to break that bondage and pray wives would submit to their husbands, I texted Faith at the bottom of the mountain. The very moment she received the text, women began fighting with the staff on the park’s gate. The women wanted to get into the park for free. Eventually the women backed down. I believe God gave us a sign that the power of violence and aggression amoung our women has been broken.
One last sign, a witness in our spirit! As we were eating dinner on the last night we all sensed incredible joy in our spirit. All the things we prayed for those three days, were what the Holy Spirit spoke to us. In obedience we prayed, believing God to bring the answer. Therefore the Holy Spirit gave us a witness in our spirit, an overwhelming joy, the fruit of the Spirit.
The Results
“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” – Winston Churchill
Many Christians pray but never get answers or very few answers. We use a very simple principle to pray, The Widows Model, and as you can see we get the results.
Two weeks after the intercession, one of the worship team gave a testimony. She realised she was leading the family not her husband. She confessed and apologised to her husband for not being submissive and respectful of him. She also told her daughter, “Respect your father, don’t say you hate him”. That evening they worshiped together as a family and for the first time since becoming a Christian, the husband sensed the joy of the Holy Spirit deep in his spirit. The hindrance to the families blessing had been broken and God’s blessings came in.
We believe the power of violence and aggression in our women has been broken and they will become known for their godliness and not their anger. I also believe this will be a big breakthrough for the Church. We have seen a lot of wives, including Pastors, who are disrespectful and unsubmissiveness to their husbands. This same behavior comes into the Church and Pastors have huge problems with submission. We are encouraging Pastors to teach the ladies to submit to their husbands and be respectful.
Sin always hinders God’s blessings, so let’s love God will all our heart and repent of all known sin. You will experience God like never before. We believe there will be a lot more testimonies like this.
Our city continues to see major changes. I would encourage you to intercede for your family, business and city. You will get the same results.
Love Tim & Faith
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