In 2016 we joined 1,000 intercessors crying out to God for Malaysia to tip into righteousness. By a miracle, the corrupt Government was removed in 2018 with a massive landslide win.
Sadly the righteous PH party collapsed two years later when MPs betrayed their supporters, bringing down the Government. In the recent Melaka elections the righteous party lost badly.
Remember it is not about politics, it is not about the person, it is about the purposes of God. When the righteous reign the people rejoice!
Keep declaring a righteousness Government to reign in Malaysia, all corrupt poloticians be removed and brought to justice
FMT: After 12 days of campaigning, the people of Melaka had their say and, in the end, Barisan Nasional (BN) returned to power, this time through the ballot box.
As is the case in any contest, the Melaka state elections had its fair share of winners and losers, with the most obvious winner being BN. On the losing end, Perikatan Nasional (PN), as many observers expected, lost in almost all seats.
But the biggest surprise was the heavy defeat suffered by Pakatan Harapan (PH), which less than three years ago took over the state administration after winning the 14th general election.
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