It just keeps getting more and more evil! After putting out the most dangerous vaccines ever produced, they now want to pump out more without any testing!
I wonder what they’ll put in them! More nano particles, blood clotters or DNA modifiers!
Hank Kunneman prophesied, “God is exposing followed by restoring”, let’s keep standing with the States, we will win if we do not give up
StewPeters: Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane calls out the weaponized FDA for it’s June 28th decision to drop the requirement for testing of new drugs for bioweapon shot makers in the final blow to the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki, and the Hippocratic Oath, unveiling its true mission to commit treason against the America and bioterrorism on the people of the United States and the world, and a special segment on natural detox with a world renown scientist and wellness expert, and the show concludes with a tribute to the great Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, and his untimely passing.
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