More and more troubling questions about Netanyahu’s prosecutors. Do they really have a case against Netanyahu?
First police did not follow the law in gathering evidence, then the bribe for favourable media coverage did not materialise in favourable coverage, then the prosecution’s evidence did not match the facts and now we see violence used to force witnesses against Netanyahu. Shouldn’t this case be thrown out?
It looks like Rick Joyner and Pat Robertson’s opinion, that the Deep State is after Netanyahu, is really happening! Faith saw a Judge’s gravel coming down, bringing justice to Netanyahu. Let’s keep praying for Netanyahu.
Keep declaring justice for Netanyahu’s corruption cases, the truth be known and justice be done, all evil exposed and removed
JPost: Filber testified that he was granted an offer to turn state’s witness and testify against Netanyahu three months before the attorney-general – as he is legally bound to do – approved the investigation of the prime minister.
Another key state witness, Nir Hefetz, testified to the questionable lengths the police were willing to go to extract information and get him to testify.
Hefetz told chilling tales of physical and emotional abuse at the hands of his interrogators.
As time goes by, black and white turn into gray.
That the case has been carelessly handled by the police and the state prosecutor has sown doubts about the strength of the prosecution’s cases against the former prime minister. Last month, the court refused the prosecution’s request to amend the indictment because a crucial alleged meeting between Netanyahu and key state witness Shlomo Filber may not have taken place, or at the very least did not take place when the prosecution said it did.
According to Saada – Nitzan feared that showing Alsheich in a blatant lie would serve Netanyahu’s narrative.
Saada said that Nitzan was willing to please Alsheich at any cost, because in his view, “There are ‘state interests’ [at stake].” Saada said that the intention was clear: the Netanyahu cases.
Segal reported on an email exchange between Nitzan and Saada, who was the acting PID chief at the time, with Nitzan writing that Alsheich’s behavior was “intolerable” and “scandalous.” However, Nitzan said he was reticent to take action due to “national interest” – hinting that this would give ammunition to those, an obvious allusion to Netanyahu, trying to delegitimize “the law enforcement system.”
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