June was spent in Malaysia where we attended three significant events. We had not planned to go but had changed our schedule so we could receive ministry. Little did we know the meetings were milestones in Malaysia’s progress and we had the privilege to be a part of these changes.
The first event was Dr. M saying, “Now is a tipping point for Malaysia”. Malaysia can move forward into it’s inheritance or miss it. The key to moving into their inheritance is prayer and repentance. We spent time in prayer and repentance for ourselves, then cried out to God for Malaysia. It was an amazing time of intercession and receiving ministry.
A few days later was Prophet Sadhu. His word was, “God’s judgement is coming on Malaysia (I ommitted, this judgement is coming to the church not the country) and it begins with the leaders”. The solution is to repent and turn back to God. We fasted and prayed, first for ourselves and then for Malaysia. The second word was “Great suffering is coming so the Church must prepare”. Again it was a significant time of prayer for Malaysia.
Two days later was Apostle Maldonado. God gave him a word saying, “The three nights of meetings will open a portal over Malaysia”. Apostle Maldonado taught about the healing anointing Luke 4:17-19, not the gift of healing. He taught we can all come into the anointing, just like Jesus, if we seek God with all our heart and thirst after the anointing. Afterwards there was a time of impartation. The intercessors prayed throughout the three nights of meetings and we saw the lame walk, the blind see and the deaf hear. It was amazing!
Hannah Zhang prophesied that Malaysia would be a harmonious nation. For Malaysia to have harmony it needs a good police force. Several years ago the Holy Spirit gave me a dream. In the dream I was chased by an angry crowd so I ran for my life. I ran to the police (Malaysian) who said to me, “You can get a prostitute over there for 50RM”. I was shocked! Then the dream ended. My interpretation is, “We must pray the Malaysian police will protect the public from violence and have good morals”.
We held a one day training including three hours of intercession. It was a very hard intercession, probably one of our most difficult struggles in the spirit. For three hours we battled, praying in English and in tounges. Most of the time I sensed resistance, was emotionally dry and had a huge struggle before the breakthrough came.
When we pray at a national level, the struggles are always harder because the devil will not give up ground. Also the more serious the sin, it is more difficult to pray through. Sometimes it takes longer for the answer to come because principalities hinder the angels from delivering the message, Daniel 10:13.
Near the end of three hours, Faith and I sensed a breakthrough. In the debrief time we found none of the intercessors had a word or breakthrough! That was very unusual because most of the time, half the people have a word or sense the burden lift. I encouraged everyone to be strong in faith and trust our guidance. It is always more difficult to trust someone else’s guidance than to have a word yourself.
Added to this is the question, how will we know the intercession has been answer? Some governments are not honest reporting their statistics so it is difficult to know when our prayers are answered. Really this was a very challenging time.
PM Razak announced there was a large drop in crime because the government introduced electronic devices in April 2016. That was six months after interceding. According to a local brother, in August 2016, almost one year after we interceded, PM Razak appointed a new head of the anti-corruption department (MACC). He was vigilant in stamping out corruption and there was a rapid drop in assaults, snatch thieves and break-ins. Last month, after a young Indian was killed by bullies, the government announced new anti-bullying laws and will give more attention to this problem. It appears the first part of our prayer is being answered. According to “Vision of Humanity”, in 2016 Malaysia was the 28th safest country in the world. Certainly God is moving in Malaysia! See article
Last month the police in Melaka busted a ring of gambling dens and massage parlours. The massage parlors apparently were a cover for prostitution and accounted for 90% of the cities parlors. Three senior police officers were protecting the dens and parlors, allowing them to thrive. God is answering the second half of my dream, that the police would have good morals.
The Malaysia police chief vowed to make inspections of other city departments to root out corrupt officers. Although the police force is generally good, a few bad eggs can spoil the basket. Our second prayer is being answered. See news one, two
This has been an interesting intercession. It is almost two years since we interceded and all this time our faith was severely tested. This takes patience and endurance. A lot of Christians lack endurance, so their prayers are not answered. God answers prayers in his time.
God answers prayers in his time not ours
As we wait for the answer, our faith is tested. Although the tests are long and hard, it is the medium through which God moves. Rees Howells’ intercessions were never answered until after he passed the test of faith, so let’s patiently endure the tests of faith. It gets results!
Be careful of the devils schemes. He will use doubting Thomas’s to affect your faith. When our cities’ crime rate came down one doubting brother said, “The police are faking the statistics!” It is true some countries have corrupt police who will do that but look for consistent results. When people are being dishonest, sooner or later they will make a mistake with their statistics. Don’t let doubting Thomas’s affect your faith. Be full of faith, knowing what God has promised will come to pass.
Let’s be strong in faith, never wavering or doubting, and God will do as he has promised. He is faithful.
Love Tim & Faith
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