Falling, falling, falling

In a dream “Covid’s End“, the Holy Spirit showed me the people behind the Covid shots, mandates, lock downs and abuse of power, will fall and be no more. Furthermore the demon behind this will be bound. This all began to happen when the Omicron variant emerged. People call it “God’s vaccine”, giving immunity to previous variants (Dr. Mackery, John Hopkins University).

The most spectacular fall is in New Zealand. New Zealand was one of the most abusive Western nations with forced shots, lock downs, including schools and businesses closing. The result: 30% of businesses destroyed, divorce rates up, addictions increasing and suicide call outs skyrocketing, the economy seriously affected and the greatest transfer of wealth in history. The poor suffered miserably.

Massive death and injuries from the shots, were recorded by the Ministry of Health. Children’s education was seriously affected and now only about 50% of children are attending school regularly. One Pastor was put in prison on a minor, and I think doubtful, charge.

In February 2023, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern suddenly stepped down. A few weeks later she left government and New Zealand. In the following election, about 50% of her Party lost their seats. Later an MP ran from a drunk driving accident, resulting in losing her seat. After that, the former Finance Minister left Parliament, followed by several top level ministers. Prime Minister Luxon says, “It will be a long time before Labour comes back into power!” I agree.

Then Arden’s supporting Party was devastated, losing 50% of their MPs. First an MP was removed for shoplifting thousands of dollars worth of clothing. Later the Party leader left Parliament and another MP was removed by the Party. Then three more MPs left in protest of the MPs removal!

The World Economic Forum (WEF) also supported these extreme and unnecessary policies. New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern, Scotland’s Sturgeon, England’s Boris Johnson have fallen. Canada’s Trudeau and France’s Macron are on the ropes. All are WEF Young Leaders. The WEF meeting in Davos this year had very few prominent leaders attending. The WEF did not even announce a list of those attending and Schwab stepped down from leadership, due to health issues. Now, we see the Democrats falling after Trump’s historic, landslide victory. Countries which followed proven pandemic responses, like Sweden and South Dakota, did not suffer like those following draconian measures.

People have also fallen by the wayside, like Dr. Fauci after his connection with the bio weapons program was revealed. Bill Gates has been subpoenaed to appear before the court in the Netherlands. Multiple lawsuits have opened in Florida, New Zealand, Australia and throughout the globe. Main Stream Media, who should have investigated the Covid virus and vaccine deaths, are also falling. The NZ television and radio channel is on the rocks and ratings of MSM outlets are crashing worldwide. FoxNews and alternative media, who are reporting the truth, are growing rapidly.

Neither is BigTech immune, with people moving to alternative platforms. Evidence of BigTech’s abuse was discovered in the Twitter files. A shout out to Elon Musk for his courage to expose this. You will notice a lot of videos on our website, are no longer available because people have been cancelled and de-platformed. Rumble, BitChute and Odyssey ratings are increasing, BigTech is falling.

The abusive are falling and “The People” have spoken, “No more”.

The spirit behind Covid was an anti-Christ spirit, where we saw strip joints open but Churches close, drive-in movies open but drive-in Churches close. In New Zealand, the States and Canada people were imprisoned and abused for expressing their views, or protesting the mandates and lock downs. I believe that demon is bound in the sea and we won’t see this abuse again, possibly until the anti-Christ appears, at the end of the age.

Keep close to God, keep praying righteousness prevails

God Bless

Love Tim & Faith

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