This is the USA, “Complex Intercession Part 3”. The first part began when Pres. Trump lost the 2020 election, or should I say stolen election. After the election, we continued to stand with the Prophets declaring Trump the winner. Dutch Sheets was given forty prophecies saying, Pres. Trump will be a two term President.
Some intercessions come quickly, others take time and we assumed the prophecies referred to the 2020 election. I was surprised when recently, Ps. Hank Kunneman said he prophesied in 2019, “The 2020 election will be stolen!”(Flashpoint Channel) It still astounds me how after 1,000 affidavits and the movie “2,000 Mules”, the election was not decertified and the rightful winner installed.
Never mind the hours we spent interceding for the 2020 election and the following election challenges. Sometimes we see in part and we prophesy in part. However, our prayers were not wasted, and Pres. Trump won his second term in November 2024. It was a landslide win for the President and the Republican Party. A vindication of what is good, right and honest. “The People” saw through the lies and abuse of the Democrat leadership, choosing the righteous ones.
Praise God for godly leaders in the States who know prophecy and spiritual warfare. After a victorious intercession, the Church can lose it like Uganda and Malaysia (Ps. Subii). Ps. Hank Kunneman prophesied the Church must continue in intercession until Pres. Trump is in office. Dutch Sheets said the work has just begun and the Church cannot relax. Ps. Che Ann says, the health of a nation depends on the Church, 2 Chronicles 7:14. After tremendous victories in Uganda and Malaysia, the Churches went back to their old ways. Uganda became seven times worse (Ps. Subii) and Malaysia lost their righteous government in 2020. Praise God for America’s response.
In complex intercessions one thing is critical, our faith. Do we believe God’s promises or do we waver. Those who waver will receive nothing from God, James 1:6. For us it is also a lesson learnt, we know in part and we prophesy in part. If we had known Ps. Kunneman’s prophecy, we would have responded differently. It is also a lesson for others, do not criticize the Prophets. It is a serious matter when Christians or people criticize God’s anointed. Rather, we should be asking what went wrong, how can we help?
Maybe the prophet just got it horribly wrong, maybe they heard wrongly, maybe they misunderstood what God is saying or maybe it was simply a wrong interpretation. I’ve probably made all these mistakes. Whatever the reason for failing, we should not criticize Prophets but pray for them.
I suspect some of the 2024 election results are not correct so we are praying the Republicans will find any cheating and get honest results. It is astounding how much cheating happened in 2020, from the 1,000 affidavits collected soon after the election, and the movie “2,000 Mules” clearly showing cheating. Yet no one has been prosecuted, nor the results corrected!
Ps. Hank Kunneman prophesied, “The year 2023 will be a year of exposure and 2024 a year of restoration!” Praise God, most of the holes in the election system were closed in time for 2024, however questions still remain. What happened to the 10M people who voted for Biden but not Harris? Another question, “Why are the only States won by Harris, the States with no proof of ID?” Are the deciding votes made by illegal immigrants? Also, how can Kari Lake get more votes than Harris in Arizona, yet lose the Senate seat to someone more radical than Harris! These will be some of the results needing investigation. We keep praying.
Ps. Kunneman also prophesied, “Arizona will set the standard for election integrity” We keep praying, keep standing and are not leaving any stone unturned. Therefore after major victories, we must continue in righteous standards and go to a new level to experience continuing growth. We are focused on praying for Pres. Trump’s protection, for his appointments to be successful and honest, accurate election results. Let’s keep praying America will become “A light on the hill”, as she is destined.
A Goldern Age has begun
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