May 9th 2018 was a gigantic turn for Malaysia, a modern day miracle! The corrupt government of Najib was defeated by former Prime Minister Mahathir in a landslide victory. Even more amazingly, there was a peaceful transition of power.
For many years we visited and prayed for Malaysia. My first burden was to pray against corruption in the judicial system, after a court judge lied under oath. Later, we prayed against corruption with a group of intercessors and I prophesied over one sister, “God will use you to pray for government”. I didn’t know her husband was in politics and she had been going to Putra Jaya regularly, praying for the government. God was moving people into position and as we look back, we see the mighty hand of God transforming a corrupt nation into a nation of righteousness.
Since we began praying for the government, a Mongolian model claiming she did not get her share of a corruption deal, was blown up using government grade explosives. Who authorised the use of those explosives? An anti-corruption officer was found dead outside the police station. The report said he committed suicide but an autopsy showed he had been severely beaten.
When I read bank records traced almost $700M from a government account (1MDB) into PM Najib’s personal account, I was stunned. Najib’s step-son and a man Jho Low, have been accused of receiving millions of dollars from 1MDB and over $3B dollars is missing from the account! A man apparently investigating the 1MDB case, was found dead in a barrel of concrete. One month before the election electoral boundaries were changed, one area up to 40%, increasing the number of people who would vote for the government.
When I read the reports of these cases, I felt the explanations were unconvincing. Proverbs 29:2 is true, when the wicked man rules, people groan. We know from scripture and history, the outcome of wicked rulers is civil war or rebellion, neither of which builds a nation and something we would hate to see happen to Malaysia. How to have a righteous government? It was impossible!
“When the righteous increase, the people rejoice,
But when a wicked man rules, people groan.” Proverbs 29:2
Everything rises and falls on leadership. When Israel had a righteous leader the nation prospered. When they had an evil ruler the nation went into bondage and captivity. Eventually, God stopped talking to them and gave them over to their enemies for 2,500 years!
I have always been impressed with Wesley and Wakefield turning England from an abusive feudal system into a more just and fair country. The working people were labouring under abusive Kings and nobles, but Wesley and Wakefield said don’t rebel, pray. There are some things we cannot change, there are some things best not to force. I shared with some Malaysian Pastors, nowhere in the Bible do God’s people protest against unjust leaders. Jesus said to respect them and submit. If they have an opportunity to leave then take their freedom and enjoy it.
Over the years, the Holy Spirit gave us words for Malaysia and as we joined with other intercessors, we saw God moving. Faith had a dream the Malay people would massacre Chinese during Najib’s reign. In 2015, we joined 600 intercessors crying out to God for racial harmony. Since then, racial tensions have greatly reduced and people say this is no longer a problem.
Later the Holy Spirit gave me a dream to pray for the police, that they would protect the public and have good morals. The rate of violent crime came down and officers who were protecting brothels were removed from their post. Then the police began to close brothels throughout Malaysia. However the elections! How could Malaysia become a righteous nation?
We are open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and a few days before the election he gave me a burden to pray! We quickly rescheduled our program and set aside Wednesday to pray.
There was an unprecedented amount of prayer for the elections. Dr. M and Chuck Pierce prophesied, it is the Church who will determine the outcome for the nation. Praise God for prophets who are willing to speak the truth and godly Pastors who are willing to lead their people.
Church leaders called for Christians throughout Malaysia to fast and pray 21 days. The night before the election everyone was called, “At 9pm stop what you are doing and pray one hour”. At 9pm we stopped what we were doing and prayed one hour. The following day we started praying at 8.30am through to midday then in the afternoon from 2pm till 5pm, when the polls closed. After dinner, we continued to pray and in faith declare God’s promises over Malaysia.
Many Christians are not willing to keep praying until their prayers are answered. Sometimes it take hours of prayer before we hear that still small voice, “Your prayer has been heard, the answer is on the way”.
When we pray for national events we must seek the Lord’s guidance. My guidance was to pray for a righteous government. Sometimes we do not know the details but if we would simply obey God, he will work everything out. I saw several possibilities. God could convict Najib and he would repent. When there is wicked leadership God usually removes them or they die. Mahathir ran on an anti-corruption ticket promising to reopen all the 1MDB and murder cases. These were all possibilities for Malaysia to become a righteous government.
“How would God do it I did not know
but we simply obeyed the Holy Spirit and prayed.”
We joined with several intercessory groups. At times, the burden was intense as we cried out to God. Many Christians do not receive God’s answer because they do not cry out for their needs. They are very passive. Jesus taught the apostles to cry out to God, James said Elijah’s prayers were heard because he prayed fervently, Jesus also cried out to the Father in the garden of Gethsemane. Shouldn’t we do the same?
Ps. Chew, senior Pastor of SIBKL, was led to pray “Everyone forgive past and present deeds of both parties”. I thought this is key in an emotionally charged election. During the time of intercession, we prayed until we received God’s assurance, forgiveness would prevail in people’s heart. The peaceful transition confirmed our prayers were answered. This was a miracle!
In 2015, Malaysia was given the promise of racial harmony so during intercession we continued to claim this promise. The opposition party was a mixture of the three main races; Malay, Chinese and Indian. When we saw Malay, Chinese and Indians stopping police from bringing fake ballots into the polling station I thought, “now that is racial harmony”. Three races working together for righteousness sake. Another miracle!
We also prayed any corruption or manipulating of the results would be exposed and nullified. Results were expected around 9pm but at 10pm still nothing. Officials at the polling stations had reportedly delayed signing Form14, which is required to make the results official. We got word the police were caught bringing fake ballots into some polling stations. We continued to pray against these hindrances and God heard our prayer. In the early hours of Thursday morning the results were announced, Mahathir had won by a landslide! We witnessed a third miracle!
Then more dramas began to unfold. The swearing in ceremony was delayed because of constitutional questions. We continued praying, claiming God’s promises over Malaysia. Finally, Mahathir was sworn in at 9.30pm Thursday evening. We had been praying for two days. Faith saw a joke on the internet so I put a prayer twist to it, “From am to pm we prayed, from pm to am we waited, from am to pm no PM!” We needed to destress and sometimes a joke helps.
We were very pleased for Malaysia. Against all odds the impossible turned into the possible and now they have a righteous government. It was a miracle!
However more dramas followed. On Friday I was sipping my coffee, relaxing after two days of tense intercession, when I got a message. Three States; Sabah, Perak and Kedah were being contested by Najib’s party. Sabah was 50/50 with three other politicians choosing to make a coalition with Najib’s party. I cut short my de-stress time and went back into intercession, continuing to liaise with other intercessors. We heard more rumors of corruption, whether true or not we did not know, but we prayed against them anyway. After two more days the results came in, all three States were won by Mahathir’s party. What a relief? Malaysia had righteous governors in these States.
Many Christians do not have their prayers answered because they give up too early. Jesus taught the disciples, pray and do not faint until you get the answer. There was an unprecedented amount of prayer from all denominations. When the body of Christ work together, fulfilling their responsibility and doing what God has called them to do, God will move. What an intercession? It was a miraculous event we will never forget.
Promises received
- A righteous government in Malaysia
- Racial harmony amoung Malay, Chinese, Indian and other races (Ps. Subi 2015)
- Forgiveness of both political parties for past and present wrongs
- The police will protect the public
- Peaceful transition of power
Finally Faith had a word, “Pray Mahathir’s party will close all loopholes!” We do not know what the Holy Spirit means but simply continue to pray all loopholes will be closed. Today (16th May) Mahathir announced opposition parties can not switch to the ruling government party. Please join us and pray until God gives you the assurance all loopholes are closed. Let’s not leave any stone unturned.
On Sunday we took a rest, went to Church and then relaxed in the afternoon. It was a privilege to join with so many faithful intercessors and see Malaysia blessed. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness.
Make a difference, keep Standing!
Love Tim & Faith
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