Let’s be encouraged by what God has done so far in America. Although some things look bad much has been achieved and progress is being made. So let’s be strong in faith and not give up.
Stand and declare with us: Trump a two term President, the Deep State fall and be indicted, whistleblowers protected, winners of 2020 elections installed, fake media (including social) fall and tell the truth
Watch video at 50 mins: God says things will flip
FlashPoint: God Has an Answer! | Donald Trump Jr, Hank Kunneman and Lance Wallnau (8/24/21)
I have been writing poetry since the civic lockdown …much based on prophetic word. Here’s one written July 31 , 2021. Relentlessly Pray Relentlessly pray for our country Justice is forthcoming It looks impossible right now But our creator knows how To bring good out of evil To crush plans of the devil Little by little. The devil belittled So keep your focus on God. He holds the lightning rod. Walk in faith, not by eight (2 Corinthians 5:7). God is clearly in this fight. As miracles appear. Christians will cheer. The devil’s plans crushed. Truth no longer hushed Prophets claim with wisdom. God will save His kingdom. America. Alleluia
Love flashpoint
Great poetry and true. God has been moving in the States through Rick Joyner, Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Hank Kunneman and others. Let’s be strong in faith declaring God’s promises over the States