Is Fauci telling the truth?

September 17, 2021 Tim 0

We know Fauci lied to the public and Congress about covid-19, twice to the public. First he lied about masks then about his departments, gain […]

Secondary effects of lockdowns

September 5, 2021 Tim 0

Very few news outlets are willing to report the secondary effects of lockdowns! Are they afraid of being cancelled? StuffNZ: Hamilton-based Aerolink Shuttles airport transport […]

Global warming lies exposed

September 5, 2021 Tim 0

Have you noticed reporters saying, this is the hottest, coldest, driest or wettest weather in 50yrs, in 100yrs. They are confirming these conditions existed long […]

Covid common sense

August 31, 2021 Tim 0

Praise God the Australian government is waking up. Sweden, South Dakota, Taiwan, South Korea and others did not lockdown, did not close businesses nor suffer […]