Analysis found there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. Following this analysis, Gov. DeSantis advised people to consult with their doctors before getting the jab.
Keep declaring Governments stop lying and acknowledge the truth, end lock downs, end mandates and drop the passports, the People stand up speaking the truth to their Government officials and media, all responsible for these dangerous injections and crimes against humanity be brought to justice
BMJ: Florida continues to emphasize that health care providers review all data to evaluate risks and benefits unique to each patient when determining any health care services to provide,
including the administration of COVID-19 vaccines containing Messenger RNA (mRNA) which both the Pfizer- BioNTech and the Moderna vaccines utilize.
The Florida Department of Health (Department) conducted an analysis through a self-controlled case series, a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety.
Florida Department of Health
This studied mortality risk following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.
This analysis found there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination.
Individuals with preexisting cardiac conditions, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, should take particular caution when considering vaccination and discuss with their health care provider.
Florida Department of Health
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