I have just begun to grasp the enormity of the Covid-19 virus, Passover 2020 and the impact on the world’s economy. When you read this do not become fearful because there is good news. God is going to raise a standard and the righteous will shine brightly so let’s keep encouraging ourselves and keep our faith in Christ.
Chuck Pierce prophesied September 2019, there would be a pandemic February, March and April 2020 and that it is connected to the country’s economy. God said to Chuck, nations who celebrate and honour Passover will see God pass over, bringing healing from Covid-19 and rearranging their economies.
God is also going to give each country a sign, Covid-19 will begin to decrease after Passover, April 8th. (Below is an interview with Chuck Pierce discussing Covid-19)
Most countries in the world have serious debt. Every country in the world needs an economic recovery. With the devastating cost of Covid-19, no country in the world will be able to stand. I have written about the world’s economy many times prior to 2015, warning people to get out of debt and walk uprightly. Rick Joyner (MStar Ministries) and Pat Robertson (CBN) prophesied America’s economy would collapse in 2015 and cause a world-wide depression.
However in May 2015 Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Lou Engel and three thousand intercessors prayed for the States to turn to God. God spoke to Dutch saying, “America has turned!” I wrote at the time, I didn’t know if their repentance would avert the depression but after that intercession a cascade of amazing events began to unfold.
God showed mercy, withdrawing his judgment and avoiding the depression. The following month Donald Trump announced he would run for President. The following year as prophesied, and against all odds, Trump won the Presidential election. God gave him a mandate: restore America’s economy, secure the borders and restore the places of worship. Within two years we have seen amazing transformation in all these areas.
Another amazing change are the courts, with almost 200 conservative judges being appointed. This has transformed the courts for the next forty years! This is what happens when God’s people turn to him, 2 Chronicles 7.14. God is slow to anger and quick to show mercy.
Covid-19 however will collapse the world’s economies in a minute, including America, bringing untold suffering. This is not an exaggeration. Most countries have huge debts and Covid-19 will destroy them all, so Covid-19 is a life and death matter economically. But God has given the Church a solution, honour the Passover and he will bring healing just like he did for America in 2015.
We must honour God with our words and our actions. Honour the blood with confession and repentance for all that is not pleasing to God and put our faith in Christ’s blood for forgiveness. Also pray the Lord will forgive the church’s wrong doings and bring a godly conviction. When God’s people honour him in this way God will pass over the nation.
God is speaking specifically to nations. Sue Rowe of New Zealand was given a word last month, prophesy to New Zealand “TURN to God”. Shawn Bolz prophesied America’s economy will boom in Trump’s second term as President. Malaysia also has a word but has one other challenge, a government coup. Nations are in the balance.
Malaysia is facing the perfect storm of Covid-19, economic depression and a political coup. Allen Faubion prophesied July 2019, there were some of the old corrupt MPs in the new government. God knew there were still corrupt MPs in government and warned the Church but to no avail. In February, those corrupt MPs masquerading as righteous, showed their ugly faces leaving the ruling government and staging a coup! The nation was shocked.
Faubion also prophesied, if the corrupt system becomes established by May 2020, the system will be seven times worse. It is no coincidence the government has delayed opening Parliament until May 2020! God’s warning is clear for all to see. Those who have eyes to see, take heed!
Much prayer and fasting failed to stop the coup. Very few Christians understand the difference between prayer and intercession. Rees Howells and the Bible College were praying WW2 would not happen. When WW2 started Rees Howells said, “Prayer has failed, only intercession will bring us through!”
Only intercession will bring Malaysia through this crisis yet despite much teaching and intercessory prayer meetings which changed the nation in the past, no intercessory prayer meeting has been called. My guidance is pray for the party who has been deposed and not allow the coup to succeed but it needs several hundred mature intercessors to turn things around. Please pray the Church wakes up!
Our personal finances during Covid-19 will also depend on our walk with Christ. There are four requirements: 1. Obey God, Matthew 6.10. 2. Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, Matthew 6.33. 3. Be faithful in giving tithes and offerings, Malachi 3.8-12. 4. Have faith that God will provide, James 1.6-8.
Be careful of hyper-grace prophecies which only tickle the ears avoiding repentance and faith. Most of the Covid-19 prophecies have conditions so apply biblical principles when reading these words. Remember faith without works is dead. We honour God with our words and our deeds. For each country to come through, both repentance and faith are required.
A lot is happening so let’s keep close to God, keep encouraging ourselves in the Lord, be strong in faith and keep praying for the Church to walk in God’s ways. We will make it.
You’re seeking ones
Tim & Faith
Prophecies for New Zealand, Malaysia and the States
- New Zealand prophecy by Sue Rowe
The Lord spoke to Sue Rowe 7:30am, Tuesday 24th March 2020 (Level 3 lockdown re Coronavirus, tomorrow level 4)
“My people, my people. Oh my people, who are called by My name. Humble yourselves at this time, on your knees before Me.
You alone hold the keys for the way forward. Weep, weep your tears onto the fabric of this nation, onto the soil of this nation, onto the pride of this nation.
Know afresh, deeper, that I Am. I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no-one, but no-one comes to the Father except through Me.
There is no other way, and at this time I will gather into My heart and My will and My way those who embrace this truth.
I will save even if they die from this plague. I will save them.
Turn to Me you people. For some this is a little, minor adjustment.
For others a complete 180 degree turn, to see, face me, hear me, acknowledge that I Am Real – this for the first time in their life.
Oh New Zealand, now is your time to turn to The Truth, embrace The Truth, obey The Truth; to humble yourself and pray.
The drought in the natural caught your attention. The dry, hard land in the natural reflected the dry hard land of so many hearts in New Zealand.
But now, as rain has fallen in the natural, my spiritual rain is falling on those hard hearts, and that land is softening.
As many as are willing to turn to me, will find I am willing to embrace them, willing to hear their heart-felt cries, their prayers, their anguish coming from the depths of their souls. And I will hear, and turn, and heal the land of their hearts.
New Zealand – turn from your wicked ways, turn away from all that is an abomination to Me, and I will hear.
I am waiting, waiting, waiting for you. You act and I will act, and forgive your sin, and heal your land, your family, your heart, your body and your mind.
I am your healer. There is no other.
New Zealand, turn before it is too late.”
- Chuck Pierce re Covid-19 and Passover
Spirit of God said that this would be the year that we would really have to understand Passover.
He said: Plague-like conditions would hit the earth, and February, March and April would be Hellish. But He was looking at nations to see which nations “PASSED OVER.” I then began to see that the real issue would be an “economic rearrangement” throughout the world.
I see that if we celebrate and honor His Blood, the death structure that is gripping these nations will shift at Passover. I see that the death toll in nations that celebrate and honor His Blood and acknowledge Him, will start decreasing after Passover.
But remember, once the Israelites passed over, they still had “40 days” to press through into their promise. They had great problems during that 40-day period and it postponed their promise for 40 years.
I decree that during this 40-day period—there will be no postponement. This is exactly what the Spirit of God said to me and what I have been saying since September.
Take heart—we will make it through!
- Allen Faubion for Malaysia
(From Chuck Pierce’s ministry July 2019)
Malaysia is a country that God has assigned to break things through for the earth in a way they haven’t been broken through before. I don’t know why He chose Malaysia for this, but He did and He had. Over the last 7 years, they broken a number of things through.
One of the things they broke through was the government system, which last year (2018) completely fell in a moment and no one in the country ever imagined it. But the people of God who had listened to the LORD and has released the sound that James was talking about over those years. The LORD has spoken to them ahead of that what would take place and that government came down.
Since that time, no new government has truly been established though there is a government that is made up of very few fragments from the old (Tim: only God knew some of the old corrupt people were in government and would betray their party and stage a coup). And the LORD said this year (2019) to them, this is the year to see my government establish in Malaysia, this is not the government of elected officials, this is the government of God himself, as the KING of the land and of the people. All He need is the people through whom He can decree and rules and sees things done. (Tim: now many corrupt MPs have left the party elected in 2018 so those who are left is the new government Faubion prophesied. Unfortunately they were denied the democratic right to form the government. Interestingly no Western country has acknowledged the current corrupt government.)
That is what happening in Malaysia, that the LORD said if they don’t see that happen this year, this kind of breakthrough, by May next year (Tim: May 2020), the old system will return seven times worse than it was before. (Tim: the old has come back but may not have the numbers to lead hence delayed Parliament opening until May 2020) So you see, breakthrough, breakthrough is very critical, not simply because of what we would getting out of, but so that what we would getting out of does not return worse than it ever was. This is about coming into something we don’t know about.
- Shawn Bolz prophesy for America’s economy
Shawn Boltz covid-19 US economy “… I saw the financial condition of our economy. And in the second or third-by the end of the second year and beginning of the third year of his next four years in office, we’re going to hit one of the greatest times, if not the greatest time, of economic stability in our history. That’s setting us up for the next 20 years.”
Instead of churches just putting information up online, God is going to move churches to actually engage, build community and foster connection online, Shawn says. Churches that only want to remain information-focused in the online space will eventually disappear.
5. Dutch Sheets interviews Chuck Pierce about Covid-19
DUTCH: Recently, I sat down with Chuck Pierce to talk about what God is saying regarding the coronavirus COVID-19. Make sure, as you pray through the conversation over the next few days, you do not allow fear to enter into your heart, but rather, let faith arise in you. I’m always asking myself in times like this, “What is the enemy trying to do and what does the Lord want to do?” It’s like what Joseph said to his brothers, “You meant it for evil, but God had a different purpose for it.”
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