An update from Dr. McCullough (watch video at 41mins) explaining the Delta variant is dying off in America. How about your country? Is your Government continuing to spread fear and disinformation?
British statistics show the unvaxed have a death rate of about 0.1% from Delta. In the table below use the deaths per 100,000 of the unvaxed to get the percentage.

NZ stats show 0.14% and Singapore 0.1% fatality rate for the unvaxed. This is less than the common flu at 0.2% and far less than Covid-19 at 0.4%!
Is your Government trying to use the pandemic as an excuse to bring in illegal and tyrannical laws to control the country. Stand up and speak up before it is too late.
Keep declaring Governments wake up and follow the science, end lock downs, end mandates and drop the passports, provide treatments of HCQ and IVM, the People stand up speaking the truth to their Government officials and media
FlashPoint: Do THIS for your Health! Dr. Peter McCullough, Mike Lindell, Rick Green and more!
Published on October 21, 2021
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