Evidence in plain sight! The evidence is irrefutable, the election was stolen by 2000 operatives stuffing the ballot boxes.
It is astounding so much evidence is being produced, proving election fraud in 2020 yet still the election has not been decertified.
Some say it is because of corruption, some say fear and others say politics. Whatever the reason, all politicians have been put on notice, the 2020 elections have been stolen and Biden is an illegitimate President. The elections must be decertified!
Keep declaring all election fraudsters be indicted, rightful winners of 2020 elections installed, election integrity and democracy restored, RHINOS removed or repent, honest 2022 midterms
OAN: the Vote and Dinesh D’Souza corroborate allegations of voter fraud with concrete data in their film “2000 Mules.” One America’s Chief White House Correspondent Chanel Rion has more from Washington.
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