No conservative who has been prosecuted over entering Congress use Parler. They all use Facebook and Twitter. Why have those two and the left wing who are writing hate speech, not been closed down?
FoxNews: Violence wasn’t exactly condemned by many on the left when Republican Sen. Rand Paul was assaulted by neighbor Rene Boucher in November 2017 while mowing his lawn. The Kentucky lawmaker was tackled from behind and suffered six broken ribs, including three displaced fractures. His recovery was complicated by fluid and blood around the lungs, and pneumonia. Following the vicious attack, Paul blamed “the narrative the left is bringing” for the divided nation.
“I’m perplexed that this is somehow supposed to be a right-wing phenomenon but I see thousands of people on Twitter, this left-wing mob wishing that I were dead,” Paul added, noting that his attacker was a Democrat with “violent” social media postings.
GQ published a story headlined, “Rand Paul Sounds Like the Worst Guy to Have as a Neighbor,” which said the senator seemed like an “a—hole” when it comes to his yard, while liberal actor Tom Arnold took to Twitter to mock Paul over the attack.
The attack on Paul came on the heels of liberal musician Madonna bragging that she “thought about blowing up the White House,” and comedian Kathy Griffin holding up a bloody mask made to look like a severed head of President Trump.
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., who famously said she threatens Trump supporters “all the time,” encouraged incivility in 2018 when she urged liberals to harass members of President Trump’s administration if they dare to show their face in public.
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