Research was clear, mail-in ballots havebthebgreatest potential for fraud (Jimmy Carter 2005). Common sense tells us to check all signatures and people’s identity carefully. All six battle ground States deliberately violated those rules and more!
When a thief is caught they must return all the stolen goods and face the consequence.
Declare everyone who committed fraud be brought to justice
MaxNews: The Republican National Committee on Wednesday announced the creation of a Committee on Election Integrity to work towards ensuring “election transparency” in the future, The Hill reports.
The RNC notes that the panel will include 12 men and 12 women from 21 different states and the District of Columbia.
“Election integrity is one of the most critical issues we face as a Party and as a country. What we saw this past election – states undoing important safeguards, bypassing the proper legislative processes, and changing election laws in the eleventh hour – was deeply troubling and brought chaos and uncertainty to our sacred democratic processes,” said RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel in a statement.
“As RNC Chair, I will not sit idly by and the Party will respond,” she continued. “The RNC will play a crucial role in restoring confidence in our elections, promoting election integrity, and recommending best practices to ensure that future elections are free, fair, and transparent.”
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