Last week, at midnight, I had another dream of God’s coming judgement. In the dream I saw there is still time to turn to God. Pastors, you will know your sheep and know what is best. I hope you will read this letter and call a solemn assembly, if you have not done so already. No Christian needs to suffer God’s judgement so let’s examine ourselves then we will not be judged.
Last week I was reading Charisma magazine. They were sharing prophecies about God’s judgement. Rick Joyner, Chuck Pierce and prophets on “Elijah List” have said similar words. These are not judgmental people, but people who love the Body of Christ and are warning everyone to prepare.
After having another dream I felt I should write this letter.When Derek Prince wrote “The Foundation Series”, he wrote each foundation truth in a separate booklet. The booklets were very popular and all sold out except one, “Eternal Judgement”. Virtually none were sold! We must teach this truth and build a solid foundation in everyone’s life.
When we learn to drive a car, we are taught the rules of the road to avoid getting a fine. Why does the Church not want to learn how God judges us so we can avoid his judgement? Some people are afraid, others are extreme and only quote “We have passed from judgement”. It is important to be courageous and to rightly divide the word of truth.
I find Derek Prince, Bill Johnson, David Pawson and Assemblies of God have the right balance of this truth. They look at all the New Testament verses rather than just the nice ones. God’s judgments have eternal consequences so we cannot afford to be wrong.
Several years ago I had a dream. In the dream a fire was racing across the countryside. As I raced away from it I saw a man working in the field. I was shocked, wondering why he did not run. Then I arrived in front of a house with smoke all around. I ran inside and found someone sleeping on a bed. I grabbed them and ran outside.
Outside people were dancing and drinking. I was extremely worried, the fire was coming! I ran down the road away from the fire. Then I saw people trying to get away from the fire but they were trapped behind a steel gate and could not escape!
The fire, is the fire of God’s judgement. The man working in the field was a Christian doing his own works not the works God had called him to do. He would be saved on judgement day but his works will be burned up and he won’t receive a reward, 1 Cor 3:5-15. People doing their own works must seek God for their place in the Body then serve God where he calls them.
Those sleeping and partying are Christians who will miss Christ’s return. On judgement day they will be caste into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, Romans 13:11-13, Matthew 24:48-51. Christians who are sleeping must wake up and be zealous for God.
No one needs to suffer God’s judgement. Every Christian can receive a reward so let’s teach the truth and do all we can to help them live a godly life. If we do this they will receive a rich reward on judgement day.
In the dream I had last week, the fire was racing towards a man and then I sprayed water out of my mouth onto him to save him from the fire.
This is symbolic of being cleansed by the water of the word, God’s word. As we apply God’s word to our lives we come free of sin and weaknesses which avoids judgement.
Statistics show most born-again Christians are no different from non-Christians(Barna 2016). This should not be so! We all have God’s grace to change and live godly lives.
I love Rees Howells’ testimony. When the Holy Spirit showed him a sin or weakness in his life, he stopped doing it and did what was right. He persevered until God changed his heart. When his heart was purified he could naturally do what was right. This is what Paul calls, “Putting off sin and putting on Christ”. From there on it was no longer Rees Howells who lived but Christ who lived in Rees Howells, Hebrews 12:1-2.
Every Christian can live this resurrection life. We all have God’s grace and as we do this we will go from glory to glory. It takes endurance and faith but as we persevere, we will become more and more like Christ.
“The way to freedom is by living God’s word”
I encourage you to teach and challenge everyone to live the resurrected life. It is a life of peace and joy, which helps us escape God’s judgement and bring an eternal reward.
Intercessors, Your assignment is to pray for God’s forgiveness and mercy on the Body of Christ, that they will wake up out of sleep and put on the Armour of Light. That they will obey God immediately and repent of all known sin. Let’s encourage and help God’s Body live in his ways.
Love Tim & Faith
“Dealing with sexual sin in the Church”, Bill Johnson exposes extreme mercy and extreme grace
“Overcoming Sin” Victory Family Center study notes
“Eternal Judgement” Derek Prince foundation teaching
“Eternal Security of the Believer” Assemblies of God
“The Road to Hell” David Pawson Jesus’s teaching on judgement
“We are going to heaven” Rick Joyner warning of the coming judgement
“Opening your path for the future!” Chuck Pierce 40 day devotion to overcome
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