As I write this I’m recovering from severe flu, but I wanted to send out this prophecy because I believe it is one of the most important words for 2018. Three days ago Jennifer LeClaire published this prophecy saying, “A metamorphosis is underway. I will bring the change I’ve promised, first little by little and then an outward manifestation of an inner working I have been doing in My people.”
There have been a lot of prophecies and promises for the Body of Christ in 2018. I am concerned a lot of Christians will not balance those words with biblical principles and miss out on what God wants to do. A few months ago I had a dream where the Holy Spirit showed me our ministry is going to experience great acceleration. I don’t feel as though we are prepared. I know that acceleration will only happen if we have been obedient and faithful up to this time. If great acceleration happens without the preparation we will either miss it or not be able to cope with the changes.
What is the biblical principle regarding metamorphosis? The clearest testimony I have read is Rees Howells’. “The Holy Spirit would then speak to him (Rees Howells) through the Word, revealing any standard that he was to come up to, particularly in “the laws of the Kingdom” — the Sermon on the Mount. Any command the Spirit gave him, he must fulfill, because the way of abiding is the keeping of His commandments (John 15:10). … Any transgression was never to be repeated, but specific obedience on that point would be called for until a radical inward change was effected. He was “purified… in obeying the truth through the Spirit”. (1 Peter 1:22.)” After Rees Howells had completed metamorphosis then God answered his prayer and intercessions.
Jennifer’s prophecy gives us another clue as to how these great changes will come in our lives, families, businesses and ministries. She says “make one more push because that last push will birth something in you and through you like the world has never seen”. Jennifer’s full prophecy says, “I heard the Lord say, “A metamorphosis is underway. I will bring the change I’ve promised, first little by little and then an outward manifestation of an inner working I have been doing in My people. That metamorphosis will spill out from the spirits of My people into the spheres they influence in the seven mountains.
“Transformed business leaders will see their companies as ministry hubs. Transformed politicians will see their cities as congregations. Transformed cities will see mass salvations. I am calling those who have struggled in past seasons to make one more push because that last push will birth something in you and through you like the world has never seen and like nothing you could even imagine.
“I have allowed you to go through struggles—through suffering—so that I could use you as a compassionate change agent in the earth. You have authority. You have influence. You have power. You have an anointing. I intend to use you to comfort those who face disaster and to strengthen the weak. I intend to use you to lift others up, even those who dragged you down.
“You have been changed and are changing from glory to glory. The glory that rested upon you during the struggle is increasing as you step into the assignment I am giving you to see transformation all around you. You carry the kingdom. Releasing the kingdom into atmospheres around you and watch the darkness flee as the brilliance of My love works through you by faith. Have a confidence that I have called you, I have equipped you and I am sending you—and that I am with you always.”
I see widespread metamorphosis. I see metamorphosis in people, in companies, in churches, and in societies. The metamorphosis is coming out of an intense struggle in the hearts and minds of people.
Metamorphosis is even coming out of church splits and past moral failures in leadership. And it’s coming from a changing of the guard in cities, states and nations. Many will come to realize the reality of Genesis 50:20 and Romans 8:28 in 2018 and in the years that follow.
Genesis 5:20 teaches this important principle: what the enemy meant for evil, God will work for good to save many. And Romans 8:28 promises us when we love Him and pray, He will work even the most horrific situations into something that benefits us and His purpose for our lives.”
Rick Joyner says “Real transformation (metamorphosis) is a process that requires faith, patience, endurance and focus”. Chuck Pierce encourages us to “break through” into metamorphosis. It was never easy for Rees Howells to obey God. Sometimes the cost was high but he obeyed and we see the fruit! God wants the Body of Christ to experience metamorphosis in 2018 so let’s push one more time and be ready for what God wants to do through us.
Intercessors our mission is to pray for those going through metamorphosis. Just like the butterfly we can not break open the chrysalis but simply encourage and pray for people to push hard. If we lessen their struggle they won’t be strong enough to stand in 2018. Each person must fight their own way through to victory do let’s be faithful to pray for each other.
Pushing on in Him
Love Tim & Faith
Jennifer LeClaire “Prophecy for 2018: Metamorphosis—Radical Change is Coming” click here
Rick Joyner “The Great Metamorphosis” click here
Chuck Pierce “In a moment things can shift!” click here
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