As a young Christian I would go to Cornwall Park for my quiet time. Living in a house of six people and having devotions at 5.30am was not convenient. Forty years later I still get up at 5.00am to spend time with the Lord. Usually it is to pray and ponder over a dream I had the night before.
One morning I had a dream of a horrific tsunami striking New Zealand. I was shocked and disturbed, then as I sought God’s face the Holy Spirit burdened my heart with 2 Chronicles 7:14.
I have followed events in America for over ten years and watched her moral decline. I have seen God’s judgments on the nation. I knew what God was saying about New Zealand! There are many good Churches and Christians in New Zealand but God’s discipline is coming on the country because of the Christian’s sins.
When a country legalizes prostitution, abortion, gambling, synthetic drugs, gay marriage and is trying to divide Jerusalem, you know that nation is sitting on the edge a cliff.
It was under these circumstances that we went to New Zealand and interceded. It was a very hard time but with many confirmations and leadings, we landed in New Zealand and interceded for three months.
For intercessors it is important to keep up with events after we have prayed to make sure everything is on track. It is one year since we were in New Zealand so it is time for a review and see what has happened since then.
While I was researching the New Zealand Church a brother from the Hibiscus coast sent me some prophecies. They were a series of dreams and visions prophets had of tsunamis and earthquakes striking New Zealand. In each prophecy, there was a warning or clear word saying what was the sin of the Church.
Ps. Tak Bhana, senior Pastor of NZ Church Unlimited, was given 2 Chronicles 7:14 for the “New Zealand and Beyond conference 2015”. A good confirmation of my guidance. Many people we met and talked with agreed, New Zealand is in a critical situation. Some wondered when God’s judgement would come.
When John prophesied to the Churches in Revelations, God stated clearly what was their sin and the consequences if they did not repent. God was saying the same thing to New Zealand.
God warned New Zealand of; a lack of true repentance, fervent intercession, faith and love, unity, worship of God and other points. During intercession we kept focused and prayed the Church would repent of all these things.
God gave us promises saying the Church would turn. Sometime later Bro. Adrian reported from down south, the Churches were repenting of their sin so a situation would turn around, 2 Chronicles 7:14. That was a change from before when those Churches failed to see the problem was because of their sin.
Bro. Phil reported a greater desire for prayer among Churches he relates with. This week Bro. Tim reported the Holy Spirit was moving mightily in his prayer group and he is about to have an all-night prayer meeting. Others who attended our training in Auckland report changes and greater moves of the Holy Spirit in their prayer groups.
Ps. Tak Bhana says, “What the Church has been doing until now is not working. Only prayer will bring us through”. I agree and would add, “Fervent prayer and fasting from the heart will bring New Zealand through”. Most prayer meetings we observed were very tame.
When Ps. M warned Malaysia, “God is taking his hedge of protection down” the leaders of AG, SIB, FGA, NECF and others called for 21 day and 40 day fasts. Prayer altars popped up all over the country. People prayed fervently for their families, their Church and the country. Five years later AG announced, the nation has begun to turn.
This is the kind of response I would be looking for in New Zealand. A call to fast and weep before God for our sins. I remember when the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sins, I broke down in tears and fell to my knees. This is what the Church needs before God will heal the land.
The Welsh revival was one of the most spectacular in Church history. It was also the shortest and lasted only one year. Rees Howells however went for a life time! Everyone had God’s grace. What was the difference?
Rees Howells obeyed God in all things. He repented and overcame the sin in his life. He was a man of faith and a man of fervent prayer. He continued on this path for a life time and changed the world. We may not change the world but we all have God’s grace to do these four simple things. If we do these four things we will see our family, our business, our ministry and our community change.
The Church will not change by having a few minutes prayer on the way to work. The Church will not see the country turn with tame prayers. In the Queen St. days we fasted three days and prayed fervently for three hours. This is the kind of prayer that moves the heart of God and will turn people from their sin.
In our forty years of intercession it has been very rare, to see a significant answer to a quick prayer. It has also been very rare to see our prayer answered simply by worshiping God or performing a prophetic act. We have always seen God move when we cried out to him with fervent prayer and fasting. Most scriptures confirm this.
We see it with Daniel fasting twenty one days just to receive guidance. Jesus prayed fervently for three hours to confirm the father’s will, the Church cried day and night for more than three days to free Peter from prison and Elijah prayed fervently, seven times to stop the drought. It is very rare for a significant prayer to be answered with anything less.
This is the kind of commitment God is looking for and this is what moves the heart of God.
Let’s not be discouraged because we haven’t seen significant changes in the body of Christ in New Zealand. They will turn if we do not doubt or give up believing. God is faithful and will do as he promised. Let’s be encouraged that God is answering some prayers. The Bible in Schools appeal have had three significant set backs. That is encouraging. There are many people standing with New Zealand and claiming God’s promises over the nation. The Church will repent and then God will heal the land.
Let’s stand together and keep declaring God’s promises daily.
Love Tim & Faith
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