Derek Prince said, “New Zealand Church’s biggest problem is complacency”. Complacency means to feel content, even when faced by danger, trouble or controversy. In 2000 Cindy Jacobs prophesied, “Are you all (the New Zealand Church) awake, or will you wake up to a nightmare that you don’t want to wake up to?” New Zealand continues to backslide and now with “hate speech” and banning “conversion therapy of LGBTQ+” laws being considered, she will go further down the road of darkness and bondage. These two laws can touch the Church! Will she wake up?
2 Chronicles 7:14 is clear, when God’s people humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face and turn from their wicked ways, God will heal the land. We have seen this work many times in our lives, our ministry and now our town. Many Christians in New Zealand know the seriousness of the situation but until now, not enough are walking uprightly to see a shift as God promised.
In 2015 the Holy Spirit gave me, 2 Chronicles 7:14 for the country. My guidance was confirmed by Ps. Tak Bhana who was also give 2 Chronicles 7:14. According to God’s guidance we went to New Zealand and spent three months interceding for the Church. God gave us promises of fourteen areas in which the Church will change. Clearly our prayers have not been answered and New Zealand continues her moral decline.
God’s goodness is meant to lead us to repentance but if we do not respond then God will discipline us. Certainly God is disciplining the States, who still find themselves in a serious situation with the extreme weather patterns (Rick Joyner prophecy), Antifa and the weird Biden policies.
Many years ago Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce and others began a prayer movement and have been traveling the country, calling the Church to prayer and repentance. In 2016 Dutch Sheets was given a word, “The Church (of America) has turned”. Despite the current challenges, we see the States moving forward. It is very encouraging to see. We have seen similar changes in our town, Uganda and Malaysia as these prayer movements gain momentum.
We have been extremely disappointed by the lack of prayer in New Zealand churches. Sadly, most prayer meetings in New Zealand have only 10% of the Church attending and are not very fervent. In 1975, 510 Queen St. fasted three days and stood in the gap for New Zealand. Most of the members attended, with standing room only, and for three hours we cried out to God for the nation. God heard our prayers and we saw amazing changes. Sadly we have not seen prayer like this since then. Godliness is harder to measure but obviously the Church has still not made sufficient response, so the nation continues to backslide.
A few weeks ago Ps. Luka led a 12 hour prayer meeting in our former Church. It was such a blessing to join with over 200 people interceding for the nation. For the first time in many years we saw Christians, from all different Churches, repenting and praying fervently together. It was very encouraging. We believe this is the beginning of many such movements.
Last week Ps. Tak Bhana, a key leader in New Zealand, asked for guidance about starting a prayer movement. Prayer movements are key to transformation in our town, America, Malaysia and Uganda, and I believe will also be key to transformation in New Zealand. We have not given up on New Zealand but have renewed hope. We are strong in faith that the Church will turn and we will see the nation healed and transformed.
Stand with us declaring God’s fourteen promises over the Church; they will repent of all known sin, be strong in faith, healed from past hurts, repent of being luke warm, show agape love, be fervent in prayer, be in unity, reject worldliness and worship God from the heart, turn from immorality, reject the religious spirit, leaders will exalt Jesus not themselves, the Church be servants and have a father heart towards younger Christians.
When the Church does this, God will heal the nation.
Standing with New Zealand
Tim & Faith
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