I have read many interpretations of Mary and Martha’s story, Luke 10:38-42. I believe most have missed the point so it will share my interpretation. Jesus was teaching at Mary and Martha’s house, they were the hosts. As Jesus was teaching, Martha was distracted and worried about preparing food for everyone. But Mary sat at Jesus’s feet, listening to his teaching. Martha complained to Jesus about this but Jesus replied, “Mary has chosen the best part”.
When Jesus spoke, he spoke the words of God. There was revelation, understanding, encouragement and impartation coming from his mouth. These are words of eternal value and could bring change in Mary’s life. After Jesus finished speaking he would eat and leave. Martha would have missed all those blessings. She would have missed something of eternal value and Jesus wasn’t going to repeat it for her sake.
I believe Jesus is saying, when there is an opportunity to receive things of eternal value, don’t miss the opportunity. Rick Joyner, Chuck Pierce, Prophet Sadhu and others are saying, now is such a time as this.We are coming to a time when God is going to promote and bless Christians who have been faithful but those who are not faithful will experience God’s discipline or judgement. In some cases there will be eternal consequences (Prophet Sadhu) but for others it will be seven years of discipline.(Chuck Pierce)
We are very close to the end of the Hebrew New Year (Sept 11-13) and prophets are saying this is the time to receive God’s promotion. Now is a time to draw close to God, sitting at his feet and asking him to examine our heart. Have we obeyed everything he asked us to do? Is there any sins in our life which we are still doing and not overcome? Are there weaknesses which have not been dealt with or healed? Do we hear from him for our life and ministry? Are we serving in Church and faithful in attendance? Are we loving our neighbor like Jesus loved?
If the answer to any of these is no, then you still have time to change and turn to God. He will give you the strength to overcome. He will heal you if you need healing. All these things are available in Christ, if we put our faith in him. One thing is necessary and that is to make sure we are focused on eternal values.
One thing is necessary
Really nothing is more important at this time. Put aside the TV, internet, parties and worldly pursuits. Draw near to Jesus with prayer and fasting. Time is running out so cry out to God, first for ourselves and then for the body of Christ. This will secure your future and bring you into the next great move of God.
Standing together
Love Tim & Faith
Chuck Pierce: “A Time for Breakthrough and A Time for Cycles to Change” click here
John Belt: “This is the Month of the Double!” click here
Rebecca Greenwood: “The Awakening Sound of the Ekklesia Will Overpower the Chaos!” click here
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