Many prophecies for 2024 say, God is opening doors for his people this year, doors which have been closed, difficult to open or doors of new opportunities. The following is a summary of prophecies by the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE), led by Cindy Jacobs. I recommend reading the full prophecy because God will speak something to you personally, which I have not included here.
The ACPE were given a special admonition to go back and read “Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting” by Derek Prince and “Rees Howells, Intercessor” by Norman Grub. They continue, “The history of Western civilizations, such as Europe, are still in the balance, so there is still time to tip the scales away from world war”. The ACPE believe 2024 will also be a year of spiritual warfare, I agree.
Intercession, Rees Howells style is our (Tim & Faith) strength. You can download the book “Rees Howells, Intercessor” and preaching notes on “Effective Intercessory Prayer” with Power Points, from our website. Look under “RESOURCES”. I have recorded two new videos, “Rees Howells Intercessor” and “The Armour of God”, to Rumble. These are keys for overcoming the enemy, and becoming fruitful in 2024.
Holiness is also key this year. I recommend the videos, “Clean the Inside” and “Mountain Moving Faith” which will help you go to a new level of obedience, holiness and Christ likeness in 2024. It is critical for us to dig deep roots this year, so we can go through the doors.
Financial shakings are also prophesied in 2024. For principles of God’s financial provision during times of shaking, you will find David Wilkerson’s materials on our website useful. Also under RESOURCES
We pray you will stand strong and go through your doors in 2024.
ACPE prophecy 2024
The Lord spoke to the ACPE a theme of “Come Up Higher” in 2024. This word pertains to two prophetic understandings: Psalm 24:7-10. Gates will be opened or lifted! The understanding of the Hebrew meaning for the year 5784, the number “four” in Hebrew is symbolic of a door.
These are important concepts to understand because this is a season where God is calling us to build; we could say to build the kingdom. To do so, there are doors of opportunity we must recognize and go through.
With these shakings, we see that the nations are raging: “Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.” (Psalms 2:1-3 NKJV)
Wartime Watchmen and Women
We are issuing a worldwide call for “wartime” watchmen and women to fast and pray and be on the wall of the nations. Through the fervent prayers of many around the world, World War 3 has been averted for now — although it is tenuous. Therefore, we must not be weary in our prayers. Europe is in real peril, and the nations bordering Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Moldova, and Belarus. Belarus has already aligned with Russia and needs our prayers too! Let’s pray that nothing “sparks” WW3 like has happened with the other world wars.
“Asia, you are strategic watchmen and women in this serious hour! Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, Japan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, India, and other Asian nations, your prayers are coming up before God in this hour. It is time for many 24/7 Houses of Prayer to be established. As we have prophesied previously, worship is a major key to protect your borders.”
Matthew 24 for 2024
This is an important and prophetic passage for the season we are in right now. This also speaks to this war season we are in: “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.” (Matt. 24:7 NKJV)
We do see evidence of the Antichrist spirit at work in the current world situations. We know there are other regional conflicts on continents, such as in Africa. The role of the intercessor and watchman is needed more than ever. Prophetically, we need to fill our nations with 24/7 prayer to steward the moves of God and thwart the enemies plans: “For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. We are at the beginning of the end.” (Matthew 24:8)
Matthew 24 is a road map for this season beginning in 2024:
The nations are raging.
Tribulations and violence
False Prophets (Tim: “False prophets are not just people who prophecy falsely but also have bad fruit”)
Economic Shaking
As we are in the digital age, currencies will one day largely go digital. We are not to fear this as God will show us what to do in every economic season.
God clearly spoke to us that He is raising up solutionists, especially in terms of the marketplace and economic structures. We know we have the example from Joseph and the political solutionist, Daniel. These types of leaders will rise to the forefront and be seen by many as providers of the way to go in investing and running governments. This will be a great witness to unbelievers, point them to Christ, and give them comfort.
Word for the United States
The 2024 election is critical. The nations are watching this coming election to decide their timetable and direction for war. If a war-time president is not elected, fueled by the prayers of war-time intercessors, then our enemies will see us as weak and plan their attacks. 2025 is a potential year for wars to break out on a much larger scale.
Transition from the Church Age to the Kingdom Age
In many cases, we see the church understanding that we are now in the Kingdom Age and that our role as the Ecclesia is much broader than was understood in the past 50 years. God is going to raise up “champion” voices to articulate this message, but they will be met with fierce opposition.
Along with the transition is the message that revival must be married with reformation. Previously, we gave the word that in the next season, judgment was going to come to the House of God first. Things that have long been covered over would be revealed. That is exactly what is happening now and will continue to do so. There is a place of mercy for those who have covered their sin, but it will be swift and severe for those who have not humbled themselves under the hand of the Almighty God.
Admonitions were given to us to be strong in battle, like our heavenly King. Duty calls, and we must purposely decide to enlist and give our lives to prayer and following Christ.
Now, we are moving into Psalm 24
Voices of Revival and Holiness
The United States, as well as other nations, such as those on the Isaiah 19: 23-25 Highway of Holiness, are experiencing revivals on various levels. An admonition was given that we need to see the remnant who are moving in revival to have accountability and make alignments. In the past years, we have highlighted Isaiah 65:8, which says that the new wine is found in the cluster. Find your tribe in the move of God!
We must have deep root systems in the word so not to get into false doctrine. The revivalist leaders must walk in purity and holiness. This fits with the theme in Psalm 24:3-4.
Mama Bears
There is a grassroots movement in the United States of women who see the condition of the nation and are standing for their families. In America, the analogy is that they are “Mama Bears”. Mama Bears are known for their fierceness against anyone who tries to hurt their children.
These are important concepts to understand because this is a season where God is calling us to build; we could say to build the kingdom. To do so, there are doors of opportunity we must recognize and go through.
ACPE link https://www.generals.org/blog/word-of-the-lord-2024
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