Our Mission

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. You shall love your neighbor as yourself” Mark 12:30-31

Our mission is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and our neigbour as ourselves. By obeying these two commands we will reach our goal; to be imitators of Christ, fulfill our call and be the greatest blessing to others. It is easy to get side-tracked by other works and issues, but these two commands are our guide, keeping us on track.

We exercise the gifts God has given us so this is reflected in the website with sections on prophecy, teaching and the Church. Intercession is one of our strengths, and the reason we began the original site, so articles contain a strong emphasis on intercession.

Our Story” is a story of intercession which I wrote when we started the original site. I am keeping “Our Story” on this site because there are principles relevant to all areas of life; family, Church and work. “Our Story” starts from Tim’s first year as a Christian and Faith’s story begins just before we got married with, “Just in time!

As you read “Our Story” take note of the principles; repentance, obedience to the Holy Spirit, perseverance and faith. These foundational principles work in all areas of life and are keys to fruitfulness in everything we do.

Our Mission as Intercessors

“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” Ezekiel 22:30

Our mission is to stand in the gap for America, New Zealand, Malaysia, Israel and Our Town according to God’s truth and mercy. This is our compass giving direction to intercessions.

When we intercede, the focus is to pray for things that will bring righteous change so each nation reaches their destiny. When we intercede for a nation, we must know that nation’s destiny.

New Zealand

Derek Prince and Smith Wigglesworth prophesied that the last great revival, before the Lord’s return, will start from New Zealand and Australia.


Hannah Zhang (Taiwan) prophesied Malaysia will become a rainbow nation, a nation of harmony between the races.

United States

The third great awakening will begin in the United States. (Rick Joyner, Dutch Sheets, Lou Engle and others)


Israel will turn to Christ then he will return for one thousand year reign.

Our Town

Our mission is to see revival come to our town. We have had it before and believe, by God’s grace we will see it again.