After my encouraging experience with the Anglican Church, I returned to Queen St. AOG. They had moved into a new building and life was very different. With experience in praying for Church growth, I began interceding for the Queen St. AOG. It was encouraging to see the Church move forward and grow over the next few years.
I began leading a home group and a young lady began attending. Within the first week I bumped into her three times in the city. What are the chances of bumping into someone in a city of 1.5Mil. but three times in one week, something was going on!
On the first occasion the Holy Spirit quickened to me that God was knitting our hearts together to serve him. Of course we got married! ‘And lived happily ever after’ J Hehe
As I got to know Faith, I discovered she prayed the same way I do. She told me about her father who had leukemia. He was admitted to hospital for a routine checkup but the situation, unexpectedly changed.
One night after work, Faith and her sister began praying for their father. Faith didn’t know why, but she had a tremendous burden for him. As I said, he was in hospital for a regular checkup so nothing serious. Faith finished work at 8pm then around 10pm began praying. The burden was great as they cried out to the Lord for dad.
Faith had been witnessing to him for fourteen years. She would leave tracts, bibles and anything that might interest him, at strategic places in the house. Next to his favourite chair, in the toilet, all to no avail.
One time he responded, “I don’t have any friends in heaven, all my friends are in hell, I may as well go to hell.” He was a cultured man but refused to accept the Lord.
Faith continued praying through to midnight. Although she had work early the next day, she continued in the burden of the Lord and cried out to God for father. Into the early hours of the morning she kept praying, praying in tounges and English.
Some after time 4am Faith suddenly blurted out, “Lord hang him over hell for five minutes”. At that moment the burden lifted and the joy of the Holy Spirit filled her heart. After a quick sleep she went off to work.
Early next morning Faith’s mother visited dad in hospital. He shared with mother about a dream he had the night before. He refused to say what was in the dream, he just smiled, and asked mother for the Pastor to come and baptise him! He had been born again by the Spirit of God.
Three hours later he went to be with the Lord. He was saved “Just in Time!”
What if Faith had ignored the burden? What if she had stopped praying for father at midnight? What if there had not been a breakthrough? Father would have gone to a lost eternity.
Father was saved by fervent persistent prayer until there was a breakthrough.
This is how we can bring even the most stubborn person into the Kingdom. Do you have loved ones not saved despite witnessing. Spend time in fasting and prayer until you get that word from God. He will turn the impossible into the possible.
Next week I will share about “Couple Power”, what can happen when two intercessors get together.
See you then.
Love Tim & Faith
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