Using worship and the widows model are not the only keys to successful intercession. Rees Howells learnt other keys which I have seldom seen mentioned. Some New Testament saints allude to them but the teaching is not clear. We see some keys in the Apostles lives, but again the teaching is not clear.
In Rees Howells life, we see keys to how he became one of the greatest intercessors of all time.
One night Rees Howells was challenged by the Holy Spirit to intercede for a hardened alcoholic. The Holy Spirit led Rees to spend three hours each day, on his knees, reading the Bible. In addition he had to repent of some standards in the “The Sermon on the Mount”.
The intercession was gained after Rees Howells had obeyed and his heart was purified in those standards. On Christmas day the alcoholic gave their heart to Christ and delivered from alcohol. See chapter 9 of the book, “Rees Howells Intercessor”.
We see clearly the cost Rees paid, to set the alcoholic free. He obeyed the Holy Spirit and repented of sins and weaknesses in his life.
The greatest commandment is “Love the Lord your God with all you heart, mind, soul and strength, and your neighbor as yourself”. In this scripture we see keys to successful intercession and the reason we have been able to shake a city.
If we love God we will keep his commandments.
As a young Christian I was hard-working. Every evening and weekend I was studying for work. Apart from Church on Sunday I had no spare time. One Sunday evening on the way to Church Christ asked me a question, “When will you have time for me?”. I knew what he meant. I was too busy for anything else.
After struggling for two weeks I said, “Lord I will give you my evenings and weekends”. I gave up the chance to further my career.
Some time later the Holy Spirit led me to sell everything I had and give it to the Church. Then he led me from the fastest growing Church to a traditional Anglican Church. That was very disturbing and difficult to understand, but I obeyed.
Loving God also means obeying his word.
As a young Christian, Faith was faithful to God’s word and refused to marry a non-Christian. In Asian culture there is a tremendous pressure to get married. We have seen some very unusual marriage relationships, where people have simply married for the sake of getting married. Many have ended in tragedy. According to James Dobson’s research, most people who marry non-Christians backslide and leave Church.
However, the most difficult time was when we went overseas. It was the most challenging and emotionally painful time in forty years as Christians.
We were living by faith, George Muller style. The last year before going overseas was the most challenging and God tested our faith by fire. We only had enough money for each days food, petrol and Bible College fees or that weeks rent. It was tough, really tough.
I remember one day we spent the last of our money and had eaten the last of our food! There was absolutely nothing left. Half an hour later a brother came knocking on the door. The next day he was going on holiday and did not want to waste the food so brought it over for us. The next day someone, without knowing our circumstances, gave us a gift so we could buy other necessities.
Then the Holy Spirit led us overseas. I almost died! Faith almost died! One Pastor told her, “No one is going to give me money. Let you husband go on his own. He will be back in a few months.” God told Faith, “Submit to your husband and you will see God’s blessings in your life.”
We have been overseas for 22 years and we have never gone short of food or had to beg. God has always provided!
Is the Holy Spirit calling you to do something? Obey him. You will not regret it. After forty years as Christians we have no regrets. We have seen God’s love and protection follow us wherever we have gone and he will do the same for you. You can not imitate what we have done. We have simply obeyed Jesus.
Take up your cross daily and follow him!
He will led you. As you follow him and pay the price you will also see the Holy Spirit move in power in your family, business and ministry. This is the principle Rees Howells saw in his life and so will you.
Next week I will share more on paying the price. Until then, keep close to him.
Love Tim and Faith
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