Dear Intercessors,
When we interceded for New Zealand we were praying for the body of Christ. We did not pray for New Zealand but the Church because when the Church changes, God will heal the land. This is what 2 Chronicles 7:14 says. We are believing for dramatic changes to happen throughout New Zealand and not isolated cases.
How this will happen we do not know. All we know is, God will move!
Bro. Adrian reports from near Fielding, ……
“Locally, some church leaders are about to apply the “solemn assembly” prayer and fasting model to some spiritual problems. This is new. Previously leaders were struggling to perceive that there were problems.”
We hope this is the beginning of what God is doing in New Zealand.
Although the above situation is an isolated case, there may be other areas of New Zealand where Christians are realising, when they change their situation will change.
It may be difficult to believe, that by repenting our situation will change, but this is a biblical principle. Many years ago we shared with a local Church, if they would fast three days and repent of their sins, God would give them a new vision. The Pastor and every member fasted three days, turned from all known sin and sought God’s face. It was a ten year old Church, yet within three months membership had doubled.
“When God’s people do things God’s way, then God works”
I believe this will happen in New Zealand.
When we stood in the gap for NZ, we interceded for “true repentance and fervent intercession” to happen.
Let’s keep encouraging and praying for each other, that our faith will not fail. Let’s be strong, knowing that what we prayed for will come to pass.
God Bless
Love Tim & Faith
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