We now see BigTech censoring social media. The most shocking example was Hunter Biden’s laptop story suppressed by Twitter. Then BigTech suppressed discussion on covid-19 and election fraud.
Fake media’s worse example was the Trump/Russia hoax when they refused to follow up the lies of 35 top Obama officials. The officials from DOJ, FBI, Ambassadors and others saying they had more than circumstantial evidence of collusion. Immediately they all changed their stories when under oath. The fake media did not report a thing!
Democracy and truth are based on the ability to discuss openly but fake media and BigTech are now denying this ability. Rightly so, Trump is suing these people.
Declare fake media (including social media) fall, turn and tell the truth
OANN: The Big Tech giants work together to suppress and diminish news coverage that was negative for Joe Biden…anything negative for Biden or the radical left Democrats, they just suppress,” he stated. “Furthermore, these Big Tech companies interfered with and undermined the sacred integrity of the ballot box by censoring any honest discussion of election fraud. You say election fraud, you get canceled.”
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