Falling, falling, falling
In a dream “Covid’s End“, the Holy Spirit showed me the people behind the Covid shots, mandates, lock downs and abuse of power, will fall […]
In a dream “Covid’s End“, the Holy Spirit showed me the people behind the Covid shots, mandates, lock downs and abuse of power, will fall […]
I find FoxNews tries to report the truth, shares both sides of the story and corrects itself when wrong. I used to watch left wing […]
Fake media ratings continue to drop as Americans become more discerning and seek truth. FoxNews ratings however, continue to grow as the People see truth […]
Remember Fauci’s email said, “Covid has a death rate of 0.1%” which is equivalent to a severe flu season. Every nine years the world experiences […]
Americans no longer trust mainstream media especially CNN, MSNBC, CBS and others. The People have woken up, realising the lies and half truths fake media […]
NZ, US and British stats are showing the same results yet Governments continue pushing the jabs! When will they face the facts and follow the […]
Elon is wanting an open and transparent platform for the People to discuss and share their thoughts. He asked Twitter for the data behind the […]
Several years ago, God said he will turn the media around. People are astounded by the amount of fake media, including social media. Imagine de-platforming […]
Not surprising because Americans are not stupid and know the fake media are lying to them! New Zealand is the same. FoxNews: “But it was […]
Dr. McCullough followed the science predicting Delta would be weaker than Alpha. He says the Omicron variant will be weaker than previous variants because the […]
The Democrat’s name stinks in America. Their so called President is sworn at and mocked, 56% of Americans believe Democrats stole the 2020 election and […]
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