On March the 17th 2024, Hank Kunneman prophesied, signs in the earth were a confirmation of the great falling of abusive leaders. God then said, the following era will be “A Golden Era”. I wonder if Pres. Trump has heard Hank Kunneman’s prophecy.
For America, Pres. Trump’s cabinet picks are essential, so let’s work with God to make this happen. This prophecy however, is for the nations. So let’s be praying for our country to come into this golden era. For New Zealand a second Covid inquiry has begun looking at safety of the shots, mandates and lock downs. We are praying for an honest and open inquiry.
Rick Joyner, in October 2024 prophesied, “The Third Great Awakening” has begun. Praise God. I have observed world events for many years, and this year sensed a turning in world events. In early 2023, I sensed a turning in New Zealand and this was confirmed by Ps. Tak Bhana.
Covid exposed evil at a level never imagined. I am still processing some things and am astounded, can another human being do such things to others? On the positive side, justice is coming to those abusers with court cases mounting and the general public, becoming aware of what is happening.
Also, the Holy Spirit is moving amoung youth with massive numbers of salvations in New Zealand and the States. World influences, like Russell Brand and Dr. Naomi Wolf, are also coming to Christ. Will Joe Rogan also come to know him. We press on, knowing God is with us and we are on the winning side.
Note Hank Kunneman’s warning in his prophecy for “The Golden Era”. The time will be golden for those who have gone through the fire and standing tall. Chuck Pierce prophesied, during Rosh Hashanah 2024, Christians who do not come up higher will miss out on God’s blessings, i.e. judgment on those Christians living in sin and disobedience. We must come up to God’s high place by January 21st 2025, according to Chuck Pierce, or suffer the consequences.
“The cloud is moving, let’s keep moving with him”
The cloud is moving so let’s keep moving with him. Keep short accounts with God, having a heart to overcome sin and weaknesses in our lives. We all have God’s grace to overcome.
I will hit the enter button now, and leave you to follow Hank, Rick and Chuck’s prophecies for yourself.
Love Tim & Faith
1. Prophetic word given by Pastor Hank Kunneman on March 17, 2024
The Spirit of God says, “These, in the natural, just mark My season now of the beginning of the end of what I have declared the great fall. …
“In the golden age that is about to come in your money, in your leadership, and in the new era…
“You have been tried by fire, and now you shall be presented, and you will stand in an era of gold. And gold shall be of great value, and gold will be honored; I speak even in the natural, because it shall reflect the time in the season now that you are in of [not just] a new era, a new season, but a golden era, where the power of wickedness and evil shall be abated and held back at the level that you have seen it for just a season [so] that men shall breathe easy once again, and an awakening shall arise [so] that many will turn to My Son. This will lead to many righteous acts that shall take place in your government, your schools, legislation, and through your media. And there will come a great, great change, and the internet that you know today shall not be the internet of your tomorrow.”
2. The Third Great Awakening has begun, Rick Joyner October 2024
Rick Joyner: The Beginning of the Last Great Move of God | MorningStar Ministries
3. God’s judgment coming on Christians living in sin and disobedience
SEE OUR FUTURE by Jan 21 2025
Foresight vs Foreknowledge
7 points
a. Predictive or analytical
b. Long range association or curious questions
c. Core values, gratitude and proper reflection essential
d. Future projection n action steps
e. Meditate n rehearse the vision
f. Choose an immediate action to prepare for the vision
g. Make a faith statement of the vision
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