US Government statistics show more than 9,000 people have died from the covid-19 vaccines. This is more than all previous vaccines combined! A whistleblower says the figure is closer to 53,000.
Why mandate such a dangerous vaccine especially after deaths dropped dramatically in January and February this year. Science also shows us variants are weaker than original viruses?
Dr. Wojcik presents the most balanced, concise and informed view of covid-19 vaccines and medicines I have heard. Lots of good advice and insights.
We must ask ourselves,
- Why is the most dangerous vaccine ever produced being forced on people?
- Why are people, not affected by covid-19, being forced to take vaccinations?
- Why are authorities preventing medicines from being used?
- Why are people having open discussions being cancelled?
Odysee: Dr Damian Wojcik: “My Deep Concerns About The Covid-19 Vaccination Roll-Out in New Zealand”
June 14th, 2021
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